Thursday, September 26, 2019

Female C&A (Comprehension And Application) Questions - Sample

We all understand what C and A questions are. But the ones we are accustomed to are what I call the CA male kind. There is another kind - CA female kind. For a long time I have been trying to set questions for the female kind C And A.

Here is a sample.

Comprehension questions
  1. When a husband smells of a new perfume what does it mean? Easy question just to get ready for more difficult ones.
  2. Why is empathy important?
  3. When a woman suddenly wears a new sari what does it mean? (Sure she went shopping but why?). Or put another way, how do you decide what to wear? Describe the factors, apart from aesthetics, you would consider.

Application questions
  1. What comments do you make in order to make someone do what you what them to do?
  2. How do you guide someone into a defensive position by tweaking the meaning of a normal gesture? 
  3. How do you convince another person that you mean well when you are actually trying to take advantage of that person? How does saying these help - "I am like a father to you" , "I really like you ("as a chocolate")?
  4. When someone tells you their problem, how should you respond? Rush to help? Or are there other ways?
  5. Is it possible to monetize your pain or trauma? Explain how you would do it and how not to do it.

On understanding feminine nature - the 36th Chamber
  1. Why is it important to know others' personal details? (Not userid and pwd, you dummy!)
  2. Is an action important or the things that led to an action more important? Justify. Put differently, is it more important to understand the consequences of an action or to understand the events that could have led to the action? Justify.
  3. When should the focus be on the words and when should it be be on the body language or action?

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