Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Influential Or Desire

A friend of mine told me:
Influential factor (INF) is a necessity for a human being to survive.
I had responded that feelers would need less of it. My friends disagreed with me.
We decided that we would need to come up with the meaning of influential factor.
For a child the factor to attend school on Monday is the fact that Sunday is a holiday. When we grow up the factors have to grow in numbers. But animals needs none. 
For feelers to make their life more active they need more such factors, for them to believe that the world around them hugely depends on them. 

Essentially I think my friend was saying that INF is like a carrot, something to look forward to.

This was my response:

Feelers do need the influential factor as you say - something to express their feelings on.

Where i still may disagree with you:
The ability of feelers to control or focus those towards influential factors and bring those in to their lives is much higher than what thinkers have. Hence their ability to survive is much higher.

After I wrote the above para, i thought of this example:
I have of late been thinking a lot about evolution. And why females of any species want to have sex or to breed.

What i understand now:
1. The need to have sex in females is instinctive (in humans, females also use S2 (conscious rational thought) while deciding to have sex. For example to get favors, to get pregnant and hence retain the father in their life especially if the father is high quality)
2. Most non human females (NHF) may not know that sex leads to childbirth.

When childbirth happens, NHF take care of the babies and themselves ALL ALONE. In some species, the males help during childbirth and in raising babies but in many species the males leave after making the female pregnant.

When humans evolved, the default status was that males did not help out much with post coitus (posr-sex) work. Maybe a million years ago.

For human females, one of their major needs is to be a mother. I do not know whether this is true of NHF.

In the last million years,
We have tamed the male species to hang around after childbirth and to actively be involved in raising babies, if not by changing diapers then by earning for the family),which males of most species have little interest in. Read about male Lions or about Russian human males.

Males have been tamed to hang around with a single human female BECAUSE the females need to be a mother and if the male leaves, he has to pay alimony, maintenance etc..

Has the female F survived better? The F succeeded in modifying male behavior to suit their own needs and also get paid for it - since the time we evolved from fish and chimpanzees. The influential factor was at work here, wasn't it? 

It also helps them (human females) survive better.

The male also gets a benefit. They get a retirement benefit when the child becomes an adult (if child is male in some cultures, female perhaps in matriarchal cultures). The father, along with Mom, gets taken care of by the child.

Yes F need influential factors. But they also survive better, making good use of the influential factors.

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