Sunday, March 11, 2018

What Fazes One

I made an interesting discovery yesterday.

What fazes some people is not a plethora of problems in their but the fact that their effort in solving them has failed or has been ignored. This means that people expect a return on their effort (ROI) and that their personal values defy what is taught in Bhagvad Gita - to focus only on the effort and not on the output.

The question then arose: why is the ROI more important / stressful than the amount of stress itself? Probably because we don't control the stress creators but we are in control of how we respond to the stress. And if our response is inadequate or inefficient it tells on our self esteem. Too much stress, on the other hand, is not a self esteem issue. Unrewarded effort is.

Maybe one could look at not putting in the effort, if one is unable to remove one's focus from the result. Is it possible?

And another question: who are those people who aren't focused on rewards? They do exist. I have seen them. Action give them a high. Not output or reward. Typically they are open people.

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