Thursday, September 13, 2018

Customer Is Always Right

Argument against:
The customer is always right - this is a vacuous empty headed statement that is used to indicate that feedback is always right. I do not believe it. Quite often, the feedback takes into account what the customer (someone else) thinks which may reflect only their emotions or beliefs and may not adhere to being right or correct.

Why do people still say it? This is one way to indicate to an employee or a subordinate that he made a mistake in not understanding someone else's point of view. 

What if we do understand it? And accept it? Would we do what the "customer" says? Would it be in line with what we think and know to be right? And if it isn't? Are we to let go of our beliefs and dump them in favor of the customer's?

Why do people still say it? This is one way to indicate to an employee or a subordinate that he made a mistake in not understanding someone else's point of view. 


In our life, we are surrounded by people.. Each of whom is our customer. They may not buy products or services from us. But they are customers in the sense that our survival depends on what they think about us. 

If a whole lot of people think that we are a bad (use any negative word) person then our survival is vitiated by so much..

It's the tendency to take what the customer (people around us) as important - no matter what we believe to be true.. That's the essence of a good relationship. That's what feelers are capable of doing unlike thinkers. 

For thinkers, if for a second we can stop our rule engine, and focus on what the customer is saying without judging them based on our rules cast in stone, how different life would be (for thinkers). 

Imagine if we accepted what our customer said, have our inbuilt rule engine (that screams that the customer is wrong because he lied or was late or careless or irresponsible ... Whatever) imagine what we would become...

When someone says "you did this", they are right from their point of view.. they don't intend to lie. You may not have done whatever they are accusing you of. But the person genuinely feels that you did it.. Do we focus on the truth? Or on his pain? Depends whether you are F or T.

When you do not try to compare what was said with your rule engine (did the person violate some rule) or when you do not compare with facts then you are being non-judgmental = being empathetic.

So I wanted to think. If I could think that the customer is right... Understand what he needs.. accept him... How would I be? A complete moron who accepts anything at face value?

Or is it possible to accept and still not screw up?

Additional Reading:
Which of Ford or Brett is right? Did Brett Kavanaugh molest Christine Blasey Ford or didn't he?

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