Friday, November 25, 2016

Why Do Human Mothers Feel So Much Pain During Child Birth

This is another post on the Man and Animal series. I had earlier written about rape in man and animals and the cause of difference between man and animals.

The current one is about the excruciating pain that human mothers feel during child birth. The question is: do all mothers feel roughly the same pain or do human being feel and / or express a lot more.

Here are some nice articles on the subject:
  1. The ratio of the size of the new born (say 3kg baby in humans) in relation to the size of the mother (say 60kg) can be compared across species. The higher the ratio the more difficult the child birth can be. Nice analysis isn't it?
  2. This one again is lovely. Bipeds have a narrower hip and human heads are larger than heads in other species with the result that getting the human baby out is much more arduous.
  3. This brings out the point that expression of pain in other species is likely to result in danger from predators to the mother and new borns and hence the mother does not express the pain. Extrapolate (from my earlier article that surmised that human beings think and emote much more than other species) and we can possibly explain why human being cry out a lot more. A quote from the link: "Animals have limited ways to express their feelings and my guess is that birth is painful for many animals, just like it is for many women. There are some women who have experienced pain free and even orgasmic births, but they are a rarity. The majority of women do experience pain and I think likely so do most animals, they just don't have the ability to express it the way we do."
  4.  I have included this article because it discusses the issue while providing no answer to the question (had this article been submitted in response to my question, I would have rated it "F"). 

Additional reading:

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Rape: Why Are Humans Perpetrating It While Animals Apparently Don't

As I was walking I suddenly had this thought. Why is it that the institution of rape exists only in human beings and rarely / never in animals? If Man evolved from animals then Man has gotten this unique habit recently. Why does he do it - more importantly why did he start raping only after having become Man? 

As I was discussing with a friend while walking.. We came up few ideas in relation to the question raised above.
  1. Animals strictly adhere to the "(Female's) No means NO" rule
  2. Perhaps females in the human species have a higher expectation from the males than do females in other lower species with the result that more human males are prevented from mating resulting in "need" for giving an outlet to sexual urge
  3. Animal kingdoms have a (alpha) male mating with multiple females and hence fewer unattached females are available for copulation and rape by males. Among humans, all males are treated as equals and no one man can have more than one woman at a time. Note that rape can be eliminated by removing all females from the scene.
  4. A strict punishment enforced for transgressing males in animals
My friend and I thought that one or more of the points above could have caused human beings to coerce a woman into sex.

At this point in time I am still very confused. My initial belief that rape was a truly human invention is itself wrong. Of course many of the articles say that the term "rape" is inappropriate when used in the context of animals and that the right term is forced copulation. Whatever... A rape by any other name... is still rape.

Additional reading:
  3. I was fairly sure that gang rape was unique to humans until I read this article (read under bottlenose dolphins and also in the para on ducks):
  4. Why rape is supposedly high in Sweden - lovely article:
  5. Nice series of answers to  a similar question:
  6. Another nice article showing how apes do "rape" but is not as bad as human rapes:
  7. Rapes by animals:
  8. This book seems to be interesting, unfortunately there is no online version available as of Nov 5, 2016.

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