Wednesday, August 24, 2022

DNA And Evolution

 Your Doppelgänger Is Out There and You Probably Share DNA With Them: "This discrepancy tells us that the pairs’ similar appearances have more to do with their DNA than with the environments they grew up in. That surprised Dr. Esteller, who had expected to see a bigger environmental influence.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Trump's Modus Operandi And America's Weakness

Trump Lawyer Told Justice Dept. That Classified Material Had Been Returned

It's not just that Trump lies.

  • His lawyer said to the govt that all sensitive documents had been returned.
  • He then said as president he had the right to convert sensitive documents to non sensitive. (Declassify at will.)
  • He told the press that FBI had probably planted evidence.

And the biggest issue is that the American legal system will allow Trump to say that he himself had no clue what was brought to his house and no clue what his lawyers said to the govt on his behalf and the legal system will want to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he intended to sell the sensitive documents to Russia China Iran North Korea. How can anyone prove it?

Just like he claims that he had no idea what his accounting firm submitted as data to various financial entities. Atleast the Indian income tax says that ignorance is no excuse. We are that much better than Americans.

Trump is narcissistic. He feels entitled. That's why he wanted to win the 2nd term badly. With the weight of the presidency working for him and with his ability to redefine what executive privilege meant he would literally have been King.

Additional reading:

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

UnConditional Love

A friend of mine told me she has loved her brother and dad immensely. TheY are both, unfortunately, no more.

I asked her. If she had a baby whom she would want her baby to take after, her brother or father. She thought for a while and told me "neither". Both the father and brother had negative traits, she said to me, and hence her response.

That set me thinking.

If they had such negative traits how could she have loved them so much. Something didn't add up.

After a couple of days I thought i found the answer. If she had loved them the way I would, evaluated every part of their nature, then she would definitely have wanted her child to be like them. This is conditional love.

I thought she didn't evaluate this way primarily. She loved some aspects of her brother and father which were truly nice. But they also had other aspects which were not so appealing. But my friend's love for her father and brother was not conditional primarily. It was more unconditional. As a result of which she overlooked their bad traits when she loved them. But would definitely not overlook them when it was about her baby. 

Same way, couple of other friends said they admired me immensely but I found they certainly didn't want to become like me. I thought their admiration for me was shallow. How could you admire someone but not want to be like them..

The baby episode helped me figure this out. They admired one part of me, not the whole of me. To want to be like me they had to like the whole of me, which they didn't.


When people love you or admire you, they may still not want themselves or their babies to be like you. This is difficult for me to fathom. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022



Additional reading:


"Against my better judgement (AMBJ) I did it" is an interesting statement. It caught my attention yesterday when I was reading it. Something stirred in me when I read it 

Instead of just saying I stole or I had an affair, when we prefix AMBJ we show ourselves as being more humane, as having been  immoral because of circumstances (and hence not really fully personally responsible). 

AMBJ talks about our judgement. We are separating our nature/judgement or Intentions from our actions. And we are appealing to people that they focus on our intention than on our action.

Our intentions or our character (as we portray) is the cover. What we do is the content. Do we want people to focus on what we do or on our intentions? How often do we mention our intentions when our actions are not up to the mark?

The cover is atleast as important as the content.

To that extent this video is so misleading. Is this what we would tell our kids if we were really concerned for their welfare?

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