Thursday, October 15, 2020

Too Little Sense And Too Much Maturity

Recently I came across a nurse who forgot to give me prior intimation that we were running out of diapers. She just informed me on the last day that there were no more diapers. 

I was aghast. What is this? I gave her a lecture about how important it was to inform me up front that something was going to get over so that I have time to procure it. And that she was not to intimate me after we ran out of something.

She was sweet. She kept nodding and accepted that it was her fault. She was smiling. There was no shock nor guilt in her face. 

I finally asked her how we would manage that day without diaper (we did have another kind of diaper but we needed the kind that we had run out of). 

She said it was ok, we will manage. I asked her how. What she meant was the patient will suffer / manage. 

Is this the meaning of grace under pressure with absolutely no sense?

Is this what we learn under the guise of grace and maturity - to be sweet, soft and clueless? Is this EQ? 

Most of the these girls don't have a clue about prevention of the problem in future once a problem has been identified. They also hate to tell the caretaker about the presence of an actual problem or the possibility of a problem. 

How can they do a good job if they hate to convey bad news? 

What is this kind of character?

Monday, October 12, 2020

Sacrifice / Qurbani

Making a sacrifice and saying that one made a sacrifice are different. 

The former is a choice (which may seem like or be a sacrifice). It's content.

Saying that one made a sacrifice is to induce indebtedness in another. It's part of image creation.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Remote Debate With Biden

 Trump Objects to Commission’s Virtual Debate Plan

This brought up the question: what kind of person hates a virtual debate (or needs a face to face (FTF) meeting? 

A person whose primary skill is soft skill and the person who uses body language would hate an impersonal medium like a telephone or a virtual video meeting. In such a stage, Trump may not be able exert his influence on Biden. His interruptions while Biden is talking won't unnerve the latter as much. 

I wonder whether Trump would be able to articulate the real reason why he hates the idea off a virtual meeting.


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