Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Truth Or Emotions

https://lifestyle.livemint.com/health/fitness/why-women-are-increasingly-opting-for-ladies-only-gyms-111628240763510.html: Quote by the author: "For me, Viji's Slim Centre helped start something that continues to this day: understanding that regular exercise is less about what your body looks like and more about how it makes you feel."

This focus on emotions, if and when it happens overriding truth, is the recipe for hallucination.

I am often around a person who hallucinates and hence this subject is particularly of interest to me.

Hallucination, untruth, emotions are all part of a spectrum. When Donald Trump says he won the elections, it's a wish, a desire and not a fact. Hallucination is a small distance away from where he stands. If he were genuinely hallucinating he wouldn't spend efforts to make his desire come true because he would be thinking his desire has come true. 

When I see a hallucinating person accuse another person it's stunning. Because of 2 things: the accuser, in normal circumstances would never have said such a thing. And you know the person accused did no such thing that they are accused of because I was right there.

"We see things not as they are but as how we are" is an example of how emotions, or hallucinations in an extreme case, distort what we see.

When we hear that eye witness accounts are very unreliable we understand why that might be so.

Emotions provide an alternate reality. And perhaps this kind of reality is essential to survival. And hence emotional people live longer (women outlive men by about 5 years).

One data that I am seeking is whether emotional men live longer than unemotional men.

And whether the emotional part of the brain is responsible for hallucination.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Do Unto Others

I was listening to Vividh Bharati today. The theme today was about lying (falsehood). The RJ said we should not lie to others if we can't tolerate being lied to.

That's what got me thinking. What kind of person follows this "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Some of us believe in rules. They may follow it. Some of us believe in survival (at any cost), such as Ambani or Trump. Do you expect them to follow this rule? 

It's strange that some of us follow rules while others follow their heart. The interplay between the two sets is interesting. If you observe their actions live and remember that one follows rules while other follows their heart - while observing their actions - it's quite an experience.

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