Thursday, October 3, 2019

On Warranty

This is a nice article on warranty in a Pakistani Newspaper.

I had often thought on similar lines. I remember once dealing with a physiotherapist who was treating an elderly lady who had tremendous back pain. He said he could definitely cure her in a week. After a week, the lady still had pain. He said one more week. And then one more week. Then he said, things are not so easily predictable. Sometimes the body takes longer to heal but he recommended that the treatment continue.

I asked him if he would be willing to take payment only and after she was healed and forego the payment if the pain didn't go away.

The man was stunned. He said what I suggested was unethical. How can a person give a guarantee for a medical treatment. He looked at me as though I was crazy.

I remembered his earnest assurances to the lady when she first met him. Unethical, huh?

Published on

7/20/12, 12:06 PM
India Standard Time

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