Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Very Nice Post On Eve Teasing

I read a nice post about the life of a woman in India in the context of eve teasing. Unfortunately the link is not active.

I wonder how one can say "you stared at me". Is staring a crime? Let's say you pass by a house. And you stare at it. Can the house owner or the tenant sue you for staring at it? But supposing you climbed into the house or threw stones at it? Now that's a different matter. You have committed a crime. 

But staring hard at the house? Were you gently admiring or staring? Depends. One can interpret either way. More importantly if something is public, it will be viewed (or stared at or admired depending on who is talking). If WSJ or BBC don't want people to read something that's on their site, then they should not make their site public. Protect it with password security or remove it from the public web altogether.

I don't agree with the culpability of staring.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm..
    You mean to say, the best thing for a woman is to remain indoors? or maybe wear ab abaya?


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