Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Are animals touchy?

Touchiness is something which human beings have and it's counter to living and breeding successfully. 

Look at any animal. Especially a hyena. Is it touchy?  It lives by attacking and stealing someone else's food. If the need to live and survive and reproduce is strong, one cannot and will not be touchy. 

So why did we humans (at least some of us) become touchy? Touchiness is the tendency to switch off / stop a necessary activity in life out of anger or hurt. The activity that we stop could be holding on to a friendship, eating, working - any of the things that we need to do to live. 

Touchiness has its roots in shame. Not in anger, sadness,  hatred, vindictiveness. Why do touchy people feel so much shame? i don't think Touchiness causes shame. It's the other way around. 

is it that they hold themselves to a very high standard and hence feel shame when they don't achieve it? Touchy people's claim to fame is in restraining themselves from pursuing happiness. Is it their proclivity to shame that prevents pursuit of happiness? Do touchy people have a self sabotaging mechanism preventing them from achieving their potential? 

Touchy people aren't happy people. One cannot be touchy and happy. Happy people choose what they want to do and actively pursue those activities. 

While i thought most touchy people were IJ (introverted judging as in MBTI), i have come across couple of extroverts and one P that are touchy. 

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