Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our Values

I have been thinking about our values/character. Meaning what we value and what we don't. Let's assume there are two people A and B who both do the same thing. And A takes a lot more effort than B to do it. How do we value A and B? How should we value A and B? We may give a lot of credit to A for taking that much more effort and pain to do the same that B does with relative ease... 

And so I started wondering what causes us to think of person A with more fondness than B...

I guess it's more to do with some things that we have learnt or been taught from childhood:
1. That output ought to be proportional to input (even if it isn’t.. we may tend to value input more than output). Remember, it is the intention (to create more output) that counts..
2. Its no big deal if you spent only a small amount of time for doing something for me. I like the personal touch where a large amount of time is spent (regardless of whether the output was commensurate)
3. We always like the underdogs
and so on..

Then I wondered whether we universally apply this rule (more credit to A than to B) or are we selective...

Where we gotta pay more money for the higher effort we usually prefer the same thing available cheaper... Meaning in effect we prefer B... For example, if Airbus and Boeing assemble the same type with the same "quality" of plane we would prefer the one that is cheaper (obviously the one that uses less time and resources).

Then when and why do we apply the "A better than B" rule...

For things where we dont make any tangible "payment" we seem to value higher inputs for the same output.. Now why is that? That I think is being emotional. Funny..

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