Monday, June 18, 2012

Vedic Astrology - Mars, Venus, Saturn, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury

I am very interested in linking character analysis to Vedic astrology - to the karakatwa (characteristic) of Mars, Venus, Saturn, Moon and to a lesser extent on Mercury, Jupiter. I will not include Sun, Rahu, Ketu unless I find them material to this topic. Meaning, I want to know answers to questions like the following:

What does a strong Mars mean and what does a weak Mars mean?
What does the combination of weak Saturn, strong Venus mean? If in addition Mars is weak what does it mean?
Is high desire a characteristic of Venus or of Mars? What about passion / drive?
Is perseverance a characteristic of Saturn or Mars?
Leaving indications such as mother, spouse, vehicles etc out, what is the difference between the indications of Moon and Venus - (I am only interested in personality traits now.)
Is perseverance a characteristic of Saturn or Mars?
Does Moon signify emotions or mind?
What causes a person to become a HSP (highly sensitive / touchy person)?
Is intelligence a characteristic of Jupiter or Mercury or Moon? What does a weak Jupiter, strong Mercury and weak Moon (or any other such combination) indicate?

Given below is a brief outline of the karakatwa, relating to character traits, of the planets.

• Saturn: Responsible, conscientiousness, single-minded focus, perseverance, hard work, being slow, fairness in trait, being spartan / containment of desire, being a loner. Desires a low return in relation to efforts employed.

• Mars: Energy (passion which includes force, anger, violence), momentum, tendency to overcome obstacles.

• Venus: Pleasantness, high level of emotions, desires, needing comforts, child state (part of the parent, adult , child state trinity). Desires a high return in relation to efforts employed, minimizes efforts.

• Mercury: Intelligence, adult state (see description for Venus above).

• Jupiter: Wisdom, knowledge (not intelligence), parent state (see description for Venus above).

• Strong moon makes a person a HSP. Moon represents a state of the mind. Disorders of the mind are related to moon. Fickle mindedness, depression are caused by afflictions to the moon. A strong moon does not make a person intelligent, but it gives clarity of mind. It makes a person less immune to mental problems.

Additional reading:
On Mars

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