Monday, October 8, 2012

Dog Personality Traits

I met a couple of dogs recently. I didn't know that dogs have diverse personalities as we humans do. I have jotted down the differences. All of these were observed by me except crying and getting wet in rain (about which I was informed).

TraitsDog ADog B
Wagging TailWill wag often.Of course capable of wagging tail but not inclined to wagging often. 
AngerCapable of immense anger. Will even bite close people if provoked.Generally quiet.
Loves to be stroked. Loves to play with family and to be allowed inside the house. Hates to be asked to go out of the house. Hates it when family leaves him (when they have to go outside). Insists on respect and affection. Will bare his teeth if angered / provoked.Prefers to be alone. Not keen about getting inside house. Doesn't mind if asked to go out of the house into the garden. Not particular / doesn't care as much about respect and affection.
SpeedSlower, normal body structure and height.Faster, thinner and taller.
Getting wet  
in rain
Hates to get wet in rain.No problem with getting wet.
CryingFairly predictable. Certain things are unacceptable and he will howl.Howls more when dog A howls.


Doesn't tolerate strangers. 

Tolerant of strangers
Eating Will hide bone somewhere and eat it over a long period of time Will eat bone immediately.


Dog A comes across as mature, capable of displaying a range of emotions while dog B comes across as more innocent, immature. Dog A is more martian, Dog B is saturnine. Being detached is also perhaps seen by us as being immature.

Interesting, no? 

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