Here is a puzzle. Go ahead and solve it. It's plain Maths.
My blog posts are a reflection of my thoughts, beliefs, stuff that I figured out. It's quite possible that there are articles by other authors that were perhaps written much earlier, some of which align with my thoughts and some that don't. Pls read the "About Me" para to understand more.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Bad Venus
This post is on the characteristics of Venus.
It's not often that one comes across a horoscope or a person with very poor Venus. They are interesting people, with no aesthetic sense. They have no need for comfort. They repel people with their behavior. Their is nothing sweet about them.
It's not often that one comes across a horoscope or a person with very poor Venus. They are interesting people, with no aesthetic sense. They have no need for comfort. They repel people with their behavior. Their is nothing sweet about them.
There is a Thirukkural (A set of 1330 old Tamil poems) poem which goes like this:
Iniya Ulvaatha innaatha kooral
Kaniruppa KaaiKavarn dhattru.
Kaniruppa KaaiKavarn dhattru.
Using harsh words instead of sweet words is like eating a raw sour fruit when a ripe sweet one was available.
People with low Venus never heard this poem. They would use harsh words. It's not possible to detect any sweetness in them. High Venus people (especially those with low Mars) would love to be in the good books of everyone.
People with high Saturn (and low Venus) would be very particular about time, disciplined and they are likely to be touchy, stick in the mud. People with high Venus (and low Saturn) are likely to be less conscientious about time and less disciplined.
People with high Saturn (and low Venus) would be very particular about time, disciplined and they are likely to be touchy, stick in the mud. People with high Venus (and low Saturn) are likely to be less conscientious about time and less disciplined.
Soft Skills:
Dale Carnegie is a good salesman and likely a high Venus person. He looks at soft ways to influence people and make friends. Low Venus people cannot make good salesmen because they do not have the soft skills to influence and make friends. They make friends before of their hard skills. Usually high Venus people cannot tolerate a high dosage of low Venus people (and vice versa). Ayn Rand wouldn't like Dale, high Venus people would.
Hatred for pain / stress and empathy for anyone in pain:
There are two ways of evaluating or choosing / voting:
A high Venus person is focused on pain. He thinks 'I don't want pain / stress. I hate anything that gives pain.' He evaluates others largely in terms of 'did you create stress/ unhappiness' and not in business terms of monetary evaluation (what goods / services did you do for / give me and what did I give in return). A person with low Venus and high Mars doesn't care about stress. He takes a lot of stress and stresses others a lot too.
My observations on people I know well indicates that people with high Venus (and high desire) also are more likely to have migraine / headaches. High Venus people include not only people who have strong Venus but also those with average Venus and strong Mars in their horoscope. (Now here is an interesting bit of medical evidence: Women - the gender that is associated with a stronger Venus, "Men are from Mars" - are more likely to have migraine.). A friend who I thought was high Venus (she is a perfectionist, hates to be asked to explain WHY, not comfortable making decision fast, has a sleeping problem) confirmed to me that she neither has headache / migraine nor does she "enjoy" complaining of pain.
When feelings overcome us, we become blind, we cant see consequences. Imagine a typical man. He would want to have sex regardless of where or with whom. A woman would be more thoughtful in this regard (because of the consequences). She would want to make sure that it's the right person, that the conditions such as the place, the date, the time etc are right. If you asked a man who was raping a woman and asked him if what he was doing was right, what answer do you get from the man? That he NEEDS it, that he has to do it. Does the girl deserve it? Bah.
Here is an article on love. It is about how a person in love behaves. Objective evaluation is stopped and the object of love is accepted completely. And that is what, as per the article, keeps the love strong. When Venus takes over, rationality stops. Which planet stands for rationality? Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Moon? Most likely it is Mercury.
Every creation happens because of Venus. A love for something creates a desire to possess, and something is encouraged to be created. The thing flourishes. Without this love / desire nothing can flourish. Without Venus, there is no family nor house nor profession. The best things (and often bad things as well) happen because of our love (for comfort) or desire. Without desire there is no achievement. High Venus take good care of things. Low Venus people do not.
A person with high Venus is usually not capable of much generosity because of his intense love and desire for self preservation. People like Karna, Bheeshma, Ekalavya, Sydney Carton would not have had high Venus, their personal desire must have been low. Each of them gave up precious things. Generosity increases with stronger Mars and Saturn and decreases with strong Venus. Mars gives the energy to achieve (and hence the propensity to be in a position to give), Saturn gives the tendency to reduce wants.
Holistic (zooming out) rather than zooming in:
Here is an example of good Venus: The tendency to look at things holistically is that of a high Venus. Such persons would hate a simple (or even complex) formula to describe anything. Life to them is not about formula. Low Venus makes a person exclude things and people from his life, those that are not deemed to be relevant. High Mars and / or Saturn, when associated with low Venus, accelerates this behavior. High Venus on the other hand is inclusive. It keeps people and thoughts and things within and associated. High Venus would consider everything pertinent and has social skills. It is good at networking. Low Venus people hence can make better specialists than high Venus people. Low Venus can solve problems faster than high Venus because of the former's ability to remove "unnecessary stuff" and focus on the pertinent. A high Venus and a high Saturn (low tendency to action) is a recipe for indecisiveness. Decision making is about choosing one option and discarding others. A low Venus and a high Mars (energy) jumps to conclusions having thought quickly of a formula and applied it rightly (often wrongly). Look at this quote. Is it not a high Venus person with a holistic view, carrying others with him?
A friend pointed out that her father, a high Venus person, is a specialist.
Being Touchy:
Touchy people hate to listen to excuses. Durvsakh Rishi had a very touchy nature plus a temper.
High mars is capable of SHOWING high anger.. but what causes the anger? Anger is triggered by jealousy, competitiveness, touchiness etc.
Touchy people feel they deserve respect and when its not given, they feel very let down. if in addition, they also have a high mars and a low Venus, they blow up. High Saturn people pride themselves in consuming less, being austere and in return they expect an acknowledgment of their nature. If they don't get it, then they feel very negative. Touchy people cannot look at why someone could have behaved in an unacceptable way. When Durvasakh Rishi wasn't attended to by Shakuntala, the Rishi took umbrage (Saturn's behavior) and cursed her (Mars behavior).
Rishi Durvasa was touchy, "How dare someone treat me like this?". If he didn't have a short temper, he would have sulked and OPPU (stand in front of a mirror and say OPPU and see how you look). Since he had a violent anger, he couldn't restrain himself. Now, did Shakuntala make a mistake in the way she attended to the Rishi? Yes kinda. Did she deserve to be cursed? Uh uh.
It's no wonder then that highly touchy people are so difficult to get along with.
Now which planet causes a person to be touchy? Saturn or Moon?
Traits of Saturn: Low EQ, coldness, long negative memories.
Traits of Mars: High passion, possible harshness, anger, short negative memories
If you are irritated with this post and thinking "people can't be slotted as good Venus, bad Venus etc" there is good news. You are likely to be a creator.
I will be updating this blog as and when I get new ideas.
Additional reading:
On Generosity:
Type A and Type B personality:
On Saturn:'s-role-as-a-disciplinarian.aspx
On Humility, arrogance:
On the power of negative thinking:
On all Planets:
What is Venus:
What is Saturn:
- Who has spent more effort or delivered more result (Low Venus way)
- Who has more pain (High Venus way)
A high Venus person is focused on pain. He thinks 'I don't want pain / stress. I hate anything that gives pain.' He evaluates others largely in terms of 'did you create stress/ unhappiness' and not in business terms of monetary evaluation (what goods / services did you do for / give me and what did I give in return). A person with low Venus and high Mars doesn't care about stress. He takes a lot of stress and stresses others a lot too.
My observations on people I know well indicates that people with high Venus (and high desire) also are more likely to have migraine / headaches. High Venus people include not only people who have strong Venus but also those with average Venus and strong Mars in their horoscope. (Now here is an interesting bit of medical evidence: Women - the gender that is associated with a stronger Venus, "Men are from Mars" - are more likely to have migraine.). A friend who I thought was high Venus (she is a perfectionist, hates to be asked to explain WHY, not comfortable making decision fast, has a sleeping problem) confirmed to me that she neither has headache / migraine nor does she "enjoy" complaining of pain.
A high Saturn and a bad Venus combination on the other hand becomes a loner. Such a person is incapable of providing empathy, so they don't extend their hands. Nor would they reach out even when they are completely aware that a person close to them has the resource to solve their problem. These people are problem (read: discomfort) lovers. No, they are not people who love to solve problems of discomfort, but they are people who don't mind discomfort. There is no tendency to solve the problem of lack of comfort. They have no empathy for people living in discomfort. There is a total absence of social behavior. This is not incorrect but it is totally strange. A thinking person may not bear to see injustice, a heart person cannot bear to see pain. In Mahabharata, on the 1st day of war the the Pandavas didn't want to fight. their heart wasn't in it. then bhagwan (God) came and explained to the Pandavas why it was right to fight their cousins, the Kauravas. The head decision to fight was encouraged by god to overcome the heart decision to not fight.
Focus on Need vs due / objective reality:
A person who is very emotional doesn't rationalize too much. He wants his needs fulfilled. His (and others') needs and emotions are all that are relevant to him. "Is he entitled to what he is demanding" is not a question that would come to him, nor would he like that question if he were to be posed that question.
A person who is very emotional doesn't rationalize too much. He wants his needs fulfilled. His (and others') needs and emotions are all that are relevant to him. "Is he entitled to what he is demanding" is not a question that would come to him, nor would he like that question if he were to be posed that question.
When feelings overcome us, we become blind, we cant see consequences. Imagine a typical man. He would want to have sex regardless of where or with whom. A woman would be more thoughtful in this regard (because of the consequences). She would want to make sure that it's the right person, that the conditions such as the place, the date, the time etc are right. If you asked a man who was raping a woman and asked him if what he was doing was right, what answer do you get from the man? That he NEEDS it, that he has to do it. Does the girl deserve it? Bah.
Here is an article on love. It is about how a person in love behaves. Objective evaluation is stopped and the object of love is accepted completely. And that is what, as per the article, keeps the love strong. When Venus takes over, rationality stops. Which planet stands for rationality? Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Moon? Most likely it is Mercury.
Every creation happens because of Venus. A love for something creates a desire to possess, and something is encouraged to be created. The thing flourishes. Without this love / desire nothing can flourish. Without Venus, there is no family nor house nor profession. The best things (and often bad things as well) happen because of our love (for comfort) or desire. Without desire there is no achievement. High Venus take good care of things. Low Venus people do not.
A person with high Venus is usually not capable of much generosity because of his intense love and desire for self preservation. People like Karna, Bheeshma, Ekalavya, Sydney Carton would not have had high Venus, their personal desire must have been low. Each of them gave up precious things. Generosity increases with stronger Mars and Saturn and decreases with strong Venus. Mars gives the energy to achieve (and hence the propensity to be in a position to give), Saturn gives the tendency to reduce wants.
Holistic (zooming out) rather than zooming in:
Here is an example of good Venus: The tendency to look at things holistically is that of a high Venus. Such persons would hate a simple (or even complex) formula to describe anything. Life to them is not about formula. Low Venus makes a person exclude things and people from his life, those that are not deemed to be relevant. High Mars and / or Saturn, when associated with low Venus, accelerates this behavior. High Venus on the other hand is inclusive. It keeps people and thoughts and things within and associated. High Venus would consider everything pertinent and has social skills. It is good at networking. Low Venus people hence can make better specialists than high Venus people. Low Venus can solve problems faster than high Venus because of the former's ability to remove "unnecessary stuff" and focus on the pertinent. A high Venus and a high Saturn (low tendency to action) is a recipe for indecisiveness. Decision making is about choosing one option and discarding others. A low Venus and a high Mars (energy) jumps to conclusions having thought quickly of a formula and applied it rightly (often wrongly). Look at this quote. Is it not a high Venus person with a holistic view, carrying others with him?
A friend pointed out that her father, a high Venus person, is a specialist.
Being Touchy:
Touchy people hate to listen to excuses. Durvsakh Rishi had a very touchy nature plus a temper.
High mars is capable of SHOWING high anger.. but what causes the anger? Anger is triggered by jealousy, competitiveness, touchiness etc.
Touchy people feel they deserve respect and when its not given, they feel very let down. if in addition, they also have a high mars and a low Venus, they blow up. High Saturn people pride themselves in consuming less, being austere and in return they expect an acknowledgment of their nature. If they don't get it, then they feel very negative. Touchy people cannot look at why someone could have behaved in an unacceptable way. When Durvasakh Rishi wasn't attended to by Shakuntala, the Rishi took umbrage (Saturn's behavior) and cursed her (Mars behavior).
Rishi Durvasa was touchy, "How dare someone treat me like this?". If he didn't have a short temper, he would have sulked and OPPU (stand in front of a mirror and say OPPU and see how you look). Since he had a violent anger, he couldn't restrain himself. Now, did Shakuntala make a mistake in the way she attended to the Rishi? Yes kinda. Did she deserve to be cursed? Uh uh.
It's no wonder then that highly touchy people are so difficult to get along with.
Now which planet causes a person to be touchy? Saturn or Moon?
Traits of Saturn: Low EQ, coldness, long negative memories.
Traits of Mars: High passion, possible harshness, anger, short negative memories
I found two people whose horoscopes have poor Venus. One is Kiran Rao and one is Aishwarya Rai. Horoscopes are made from the date of birth including year and time and place of birth. These two being actors I would be skeptical about the accuracy of the DOB, especially the year. As per Wiki, both actors were born within a week of each other - around the 1st week of November, 1973. You can use software like Jagannath Hora or AstroSage to cast the horoscope. Now I don't know either of these two people. Those who know them well can confirm to me whether their nature shows a poor Venus.
I found two people whose horoscopes have poor Venus. One is Kiran Rao and one is Aishwarya Rai. Horoscopes are made from the date of birth including year and time and place of birth. These two being actors I would be skeptical about the accuracy of the DOB, especially the year. As per Wiki, both actors were born within a week of each other - around the 1st week of November, 1973. You can use software like Jagannath Hora or AstroSage to cast the horoscope. Now I don't know either of these two people. Those who know them well can confirm to me whether their nature shows a poor Venus.
If you are irritated with this post and thinking "people can't be slotted as good Venus, bad Venus etc" there is good news. You are likely to be a creator.
I will be updating this blog as and when I get new ideas.
Additional reading:
On Generosity:
Type A and Type B personality:
On Saturn:'s-role-as-a-disciplinarian.aspx
On Humility, arrogance:
On the power of negative thinking:
Who is Lord Shiva? A person with high Saturn (Kachra, look at his dress, where he lives and in eternal trance), high Mars (look at his anger, third eye, he is the destroyer) and low Venus. Read:
An introvert (high saturn) needs space. A high Mars dislikes space. Venus is driven by desire, Saturn is driven by purpose. Both purpose and desire are important but...
Saturn is tactical while Venus is strategic. Low mars high Venus gives faith, religiousness. Low Venus and high Mars gives passion without ambition, faith nor religiousness. High Mars and high Venus gives ambition.
Stubbornness is a trait both of Venus and Saturn and not of Mars. Mars stands for creativity.
Venus provides the goal. mars provides the energy to reach a goal. SATURN makes one hang on to the goal for a long time. meaning that the heart can also give up too soon if Saturn is not strong (Mohd. Ghazni who invaded India 17 times and lost each time) must have had a strong Saturn. But if Venus is not strong, one does not even have a goal. a strong mars gives the energy to achieve a goal but it doesn't give a goal. A strong sat makes you hang on but if if one doesn't have a goal (has poor Venus), one hangs on out of inertia and not out of choice. But if there is strong Venus you hang on because of faith, because of choice... ("one day things will be better, my next invasion will be successful"). Jupiter contributes by its optimism. What is the difference between Jupiter's optimism and Venus' faith then?
Moon, not Venus, stands for emotions. Venus responds to emotions. The presence of emotions is indicated/handled by Moon while the exhibition or response to emotions is handled by Mars, Venus and Saturn.
An introvert (high saturn) needs space. A high Mars dislikes space. Venus is driven by desire, Saturn is driven by purpose. Both purpose and desire are important but...
Saturn is tactical while Venus is strategic. Low mars high Venus gives faith, religiousness. Low Venus and high Mars gives passion without ambition, faith nor religiousness. High Mars and high Venus gives ambition.
Stubbornness is a trait both of Venus and Saturn and not of Mars. Mars stands for creativity.
Venus provides the goal. mars provides the energy to reach a goal. SATURN makes one hang on to the goal for a long time. meaning that the heart can also give up too soon if Saturn is not strong (Mohd. Ghazni who invaded India 17 times and lost each time) must have had a strong Saturn. But if Venus is not strong, one does not even have a goal. a strong mars gives the energy to achieve a goal but it doesn't give a goal. A strong sat makes you hang on but if if one doesn't have a goal (has poor Venus), one hangs on out of inertia and not out of choice. But if there is strong Venus you hang on because of faith, because of choice... ("one day things will be better, my next invasion will be successful"). Jupiter contributes by its optimism. What is the difference between Jupiter's optimism and Venus' faith then?
Moon, not Venus, stands for emotions. Venus responds to emotions. The presence of emotions is indicated/handled by Moon while the exhibition or response to emotions is handled by Mars, Venus and Saturn.
On all Planets:
What is Venus:
- Venus in Scorpio:
What is Saturn:
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Mind Reading
I have a couple of friends whom men tend to hit on. And they both don't understand why men do it do them. I explain that it's their (my friends') nature. They both are friendly, not guarded.
If you ask them what the time is, they will tell you about their entire life, leaving out no details, no matter how trivial - while most other women wouldn't give you the time of the day. And men do tend to respond to simple unguarded nature as an invitation.
If you ask them what the time is, they will tell you about their entire life, leaving out no details, no matter how trivial - while most other women wouldn't give you the time of the day. And men do tend to respond to simple unguarded nature as an invitation.
This article explain how men are wired to read non verbal clues. And this article explains the same about women.
Adaptations In / From Movies
I have earlier written about songs copied from one language to another. Then I started looking at movies which, ahem, adapt liberally from other movies. This is a post based on movies I have seen and realized some undeclared fatherhood.
I watched a song (on 24th Apr 2015) from the 1974 Tamil movie Sivagamiyin Selvan which is a remake of the Hindi movie Aradhana. The songs from the Hindi version are terrific as is Rajesh Khanna (and Sharmila). To hear the Tamil song sung by Sivaji Ganesan (who should have played a father role) is ... Words can't express my distaste.
I watched a song (on 24th Apr 2015) from the 1974 Tamil movie Sivagamiyin Selvan which is a remake of the Hindi movie Aradhana. The songs from the Hindi version are terrific as is Rajesh Khanna (and Sharmila). To hear the Tamil song sung by Sivaji Ganesan (who should have played a father role) is ... Words can't express my distaste.
I was watching the Tamil movie Pattikkada Pattanama (1972, MD: MS Viswanathan). Though it's a little like The Taming Of The Shrew, I am nevertheless reminded of the Hindi movie Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi starring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma. The heroine Jayalalitha in the Tamil movie dislikes the hero who is very simple just as SRK was in the Hindi movie was or Vikram (as Ambi) was in the Tamil movie Anniyan. Incidentally Anniyan seems to have taken quite a bit from Sydney Sheldon's novel Tell Me Your Dreams.
The Tamil movie London is copied from an English movie, A Fish Called Wanda. The Tamil movie Jay Jay was copied from the English movie Serendipity.
Yesterday (22nd Jul 2016) I was watching the last half hour of a 1971 Hindi movie Khoj (Rishi Kapoor). I realized it was adapted from the 1964 Tamil movie Pudhiya Paravai (Sivaji Ganesan and Saroja Devi). Though the Tamil movie had a romantic love interest between the leads in Tamil I couldn't see it in the half hour that I watched the Hindi movie. Of course the songs in the Tamil movie were wowow.
I was watching the Tamil movie Poonthalir made in 1979 with Sivakumar and Sujatha and realized that the 1994 movie Baby's Day Out has a story line very similar to that of the Tamil movie.
Yesterday I watched an old Tamil movie Andha Naal. I realized that the English movie (and novel) Eye of the Needle's spy thriller theme was perhaps copied from the Tamil movie. The Tamil movie is a spy "thriller" and about a death as seem from multiple perspectives. While I was reading the wiki for Andha Naal I realized that the Tamil movie's death theme was adapted from a Japanese movie Roshomon. Guruji told me that the Yash Chopra movie Fanaa was copied from "The eye of the needle". As per this article, the Tamil movie was adapted from a British movie The Woman In question. And I read "N or M?" an Agatha Christie novel written in 1941, which seems to have a story line similar to that of Eye of the Needle. The former was written much earlier. Hmmm, A potpourri.
Yesterday (22nd Jul 2016) I was watching the last half hour of a 1971 Hindi movie Khoj (Rishi Kapoor). I realized it was adapted from the 1964 Tamil movie Pudhiya Paravai (Sivaji Ganesan and Saroja Devi). Though the Tamil movie had a romantic love interest between the leads in Tamil I couldn't see it in the half hour that I watched the Hindi movie. Of course the songs in the Tamil movie were wowow.
I was watching the Tamil movie Poonthalir made in 1979 with Sivakumar and Sujatha and realized that the 1994 movie Baby's Day Out has a story line very similar to that of the Tamil movie.
Yesterday I watched an old Tamil movie Andha Naal. I realized that the English movie (and novel) Eye of the Needle's spy thriller theme was perhaps copied from the Tamil movie. The Tamil movie is a spy "thriller" and about a death as seem from multiple perspectives. While I was reading the wiki for Andha Naal I realized that the Tamil movie's death theme was adapted from a Japanese movie Roshomon. Guruji told me that the Yash Chopra movie Fanaa was copied from "The eye of the needle". As per this article, the Tamil movie was adapted from a British movie The Woman In question. And I read "N or M?" an Agatha Christie novel written in 1941, which seems to have a story line similar to that of Eye of the Needle. The former was written much earlier. Hmmm, A potpourri.
There is a scene in the Tamil movie Vasantha Maaligai (1972, MD:KV Mahadevan, Director: KS Prakash Rao) where the hero Sivaji Ganesan tells the heroine that he loves a woman and that her pictures are everywhere in a room in his house. He asks her to enter that "temple" and see for herself who he is in love with. She enters the room and sees her own reflection in mirrors all over the room. Today I saw the Hindi movie Chhalia (1960, MD: Kalyanji Anandji, Director: Manmohan Desai) where the hero Raj Kapoor takes the heroine Nutan to a pond and tells her to open her eyes and look down, that she will see the woman whom he loves. She looks down and sees her own reflection in the pond. The whole movie wasn't copied but a significant scene was.
The rich son/daughter of the family and a poor friend exchange identities and how they fool the uncle is a common theme in both Anaari and Ullaththai Alli Tha.
In the movie Kandukonden Kandukonden (2000), Manivannan rips the classic inverted Y symbol from the front of a Mercedes. The same scene is in Mrs Doubtfire - Robin Williams rips it off from James Bond's car.
The male sidekick (Koundamani) wearing an abaya in order to rent a house in the Tamil movie Rikshamama is copied from the Hindi movie Arzoo, where Mehmood plays the same trick.
Now yesterday I was watching an old Tamil movie (1966) called Ramu. KR Vijaya says to Gemini Ganesan (when he tells her that the doctor has said something terrible about his son Ramu): 'avar doctor thaane, kadavul illaye? doctor chonna appeal e kadayadha?' ("he is only a doctor, he is not god. Right? Isn't there anything to be done once a doctor gives up?").
The rich son/daughter of the family and a poor friend exchange identities and how they fool the uncle is a common theme in both Anaari and Ullaththai Alli Tha.
In the movie Kandukonden Kandukonden (2000), Manivannan rips the classic inverted Y symbol from the front of a Mercedes. The same scene is in Mrs Doubtfire - Robin Williams rips it off from James Bond's car.
The male sidekick (Koundamani) wearing an abaya in order to rent a house in the Tamil movie Rikshamama is copied from the Hindi movie Arzoo, where Mehmood plays the same trick.
Now yesterday I was watching an old Tamil movie (1966) called Ramu. KR Vijaya says to Gemini Ganesan (when he tells her that the doctor has said something terrible about his son Ramu): 'avar doctor thaane, kadavul illaye? doctor chonna appeal e kadayadha?' ("he is only a doctor, he is not god. Right? Isn't there anything to be done once a doctor gives up?").
I was reminded of a scene from Munna Bhai MBBS where Munna tells his doctor professor: 'doctor hi tho ho. koi bhagwan tho nahi' ("you are only a doctor, not God") and that he (Munna) will make the Anand (a Bengali who is in coma) better / talk.
And of course an Indiana Jones movie seems to have inspired National Treasure. While couple of girls who inspired me to watch the latter movie were rather stung by my belief that National Treasure had a lot of genes inherited from the Indiana Jones movie. They accused me of being too cynical.
(Here are couple of other links which I read today
(Here are couple of other links which I read today
One of the episodes on Adalat serial was copied from the movie Exorcism of Emily Rose. While the English movie was terrific, the Hindi episode was uhh uhh.
Jab We Met was copied from the 1995 movie Walk in the clouds (I have mentioned this in an earlier post). But then today (Pongal day, 2016) I was reading about the 1988 Malayalam movie Chithram starring Mohanlal, Poornam Viswanathan whose story (by Priyadarshan) seems quite similar to and older than Walk In The Clouds. THAT is interesting. Chithram's ending is poignant.
The Malayalam movie Nirnayam (which I saw in Coimbatore with a Muslim colleague from Tellicherry. I wonder where he is now) is copied from the Harrison Ford movie The Fugitive. The Tamil movie Dosth with Sharath Kumar and Prakash Raj is a straight adaptation from The Fugitive. Incidentally, this movie seems to have a parent in the Yash Chopra movie Ittefaq which itself was apparently adapted from the British film "Signpost to murder".
The slippery grease scene and the hero wearing the cycle pedal on his feet in the beginning of the Tamil movie Ghilli is taken straight from the English movie Transporter. If I am not mistaken, this scene is one of the first instance in an Indian movie of photoshopping the original scene and replacing the faces with local ones.
The Malayalam movie Nirnayam (which I saw in Coimbatore with a Muslim colleague from Tellicherry. I wonder where he is now) is copied from the Harrison Ford movie The Fugitive. The Tamil movie Dosth with Sharath Kumar and Prakash Raj is a straight adaptation from The Fugitive. Incidentally, this movie seems to have a parent in the Yash Chopra movie Ittefaq which itself was apparently adapted from the British film "Signpost to murder".
The slippery grease scene and the hero wearing the cycle pedal on his feet in the beginning of the Tamil movie Ghilli is taken straight from the English movie Transporter. If I am not mistaken, this scene is one of the first instance in an Indian movie of photoshopping the original scene and replacing the faces with local ones.
And then of course was the Akshay Kumar movie Action Replayy which was copied from Back to the future.
The Tamil movie Santosh Subramanian seemed a lot like the Hindu movie Khubsoorat.
The Tamil movie Santosh Subramanian seemed a lot like the Hindu movie Khubsoorat.
Now let's come to the block buster Sholay. This was copied from Magnificent Seven. The Tamil movie Nayakan was copied from Godfather.
Ek Ruka Hua Faisla was copied from 12 Angry Men. The Hindi movie Dhamaal was copied from It's Mad Mad Mad World. Vijay, Simran movie Thulladha Manamum Thullum was copied from Charlie Chaplin's City Lights.
Ek Ruka Hua Faisla was copied from 12 Angry Men. The Hindi movie Dhamaal was copied from It's Mad Mad Mad World. Vijay, Simran movie Thulladha Manamum Thullum was copied from Charlie Chaplin's City Lights.
The last scene in Aamir Khan's Talaash is a straight copy of a scene from the English movie Dragonfly.
The scene in the song Sachhi Yeh Kahani Sun Lo Meri Jaan in the Hindi movie Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa (1994) and the scene when Genevieve comes to the stage in Rush Hour 3 (2007) are very similar. Both scenes must have been copied from another western movie. I wonder which.
The following Tamil movies were remade in Hindi with largely the same theme. I have only considered movies that I have seen and those from the 1960's.
- Aalaiyamani as Aadmi
- Naanum Oru Penn as Mein Bhi Ladki Hoon (produced AC Trilokchander)
- Nenjil Or Aalayam as Dil Ek Mandir
- Kaadhalikka Neramillai was remade in Hindi as Pyaar Kiye Jaa.
There are plenty. The list goes on. I will probably update this post or create a new one when I have another set of movies.
Recently I was reading Atlas Shrugged again. When Richard Halley, the great musician explains to Dagny that he couldn't stand the public praising him (that their praise really meant that he, Halley, should hold them in high esteem because they praised) and hence he left the world....I thought of Guru Dutt in Pyaasa.
I was watching Untouchables after many years. The younger rule bound Kevin Costner and the older wiser Sean Connery seemed to uncannily resemble Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman. I was startled by the lines "[Connery] What are you prepared to do" "[Costner] Everything within the law." "[Connery] And then what?" Untouchables was released about a year and half before the other movie.
I read the novel "A Matter Of Honor" written in 1986 by Jeffrey Archer. There is a scene towards the end of the novel where the villain is killed in a plane and the killer gets off the plane before it takes off. I was reminded of a similar scene in the 1985 Arnold Scharzenegger movie Commando. Interesting... Wonder whether the resemblance is accidental.
Kulbushan Kharbanda played a suave villain who would make feed his own men to sharks in the movie Shaan(1980). This theme was copied from the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice.
Yesterday (17h Feb 2017), I was discussing Bridges of Madison County with a friend from Bombay. He immediately mentioned a Bengali movie - Paroma - which had a similar but not same theme.
In the Hindi movie KANK Abhishek tells Rani Mukherji about her infertility "is ka ehsaas kabhi hone nahi diya" to which Rani replies.. "now you did". Straight copy from Pretty Woman where Richard Gere tells the big mouth that he never treated her like a prostitute to which she replies softly "Now you did".
The story of the 1984 novel The Second Lady seems quite similar to the 1968 movie Humsaya.
Additional reading:
Recently I was reading Atlas Shrugged again. When Richard Halley, the great musician explains to Dagny that he couldn't stand the public praising him (that their praise really meant that he, Halley, should hold them in high esteem because they praised) and hence he left the world....I thought of Guru Dutt in Pyaasa.
I was watching Untouchables after many years. The younger rule bound Kevin Costner and the older wiser Sean Connery seemed to uncannily resemble Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman. I was startled by the lines "[Connery] What are you prepared to do" "[Costner] Everything within the law." "[Connery] And then what?" Untouchables was released about a year and half before the other movie.
I read the novel "A Matter Of Honor" written in 1986 by Jeffrey Archer. There is a scene towards the end of the novel where the villain is killed in a plane and the killer gets off the plane before it takes off. I was reminded of a similar scene in the 1985 Arnold Scharzenegger movie Commando. Interesting... Wonder whether the resemblance is accidental.
Kulbushan Kharbanda played a suave villain who would make feed his own men to sharks in the movie Shaan(1980). This theme was copied from the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice.
Yesterday (17h Feb 2017), I was discussing Bridges of Madison County with a friend from Bombay. He immediately mentioned a Bengali movie - Paroma - which had a similar but not same theme.
In the Hindi movie KANK Abhishek tells Rani Mukherji about her infertility "is ka ehsaas kabhi hone nahi diya" to which Rani replies.. "now you did". Straight copy from Pretty Woman where Richard Gere tells the big mouth that he never treated her like a prostitute to which she replies softly "Now you did".
The story of the 1984 novel The Second Lady seems quite similar to the 1968 movie Humsaya.
Additional reading:
- List of Bollywood movies copied from Hollywood
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