Sunday, March 23, 2014

Character Analysis Of Man

Let's try to understand man. Man's actions are determined by his personality. His actions and personality have the following attributes:

  • What drives his actions?. Is it desire? Or is it responsibility? Does he desire a lot? Is he conscientious / responsible?
  • The way he goes about his actions. Does he do what he feels like doing (may or may not be rational or appropriate)? Does he do what is appropriate and generally expected (may or may not be rational)? Are his actions based what is rational (though action may or may not be acceptable / considered appropriate)?
  • The energy he employs.

Ask a person with a strong desire what he would like to do, he will say "take a vacation", "eat well", "sleep" etc - essentially he will mention and do things that are not work related, things which do not need efforts from him. Ask a conscientious / responsible person what she would like to do, she will say "clean the house", "finish the project" etc - essentially she will mention and do things that are work related. A person with strong desire would feel it's their right to be rewarded for their needs. A strong sense of responsibility represses needs. A person with a strong desire and less energy and conscientiousness is likely to be very religious. This statement can be rebutted by showing examples of people with weak desire (and high energy and conscientiousness) who are very religious. Such people seek peace and intensely dislike stress. Their tolerance for pain is very low.

Persons with strong desire espouse good actions (for example, charity) rather than fair actions. They cherish the character Robin Hood. Such a person will not have firm stances in life. He will keep his options open and choose that option that is most convenient to him regardless of whether it's appropriate / fair. They would be interested in a lot of things (but may not have depth. Depth is a different dimension). They focus on the packaging than the content. The image projected outside is as important, if not more important, as the stuff inside. People with feelings also appreciate more, this appreciation also tends towards condescension at times. I wonder how often condescension is showed by thinking people.

Conscientiousness / single-minded focus together leads to depth. Intelligence and energy aid in attaining depth. Conscientious people usually have a high tolerance towards pain. They seek things which lack material comforts. They would belong to the lower / working classes at heart no matter what their standing in life is. They would be hard working, disciplined, reliable, aloof, cold, disliked

A person who has a strong parent state (conscientiousness) and a weak adult (weak intelligence) will have knowledge but little intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to process the knowledge.

A person with high energy usually is very efficient and finds ways to complete things fast. A person with high feelings (and low energy) is usually very inefficient.

A person with high desire and high conscientiousness becomes a perfectionist while a person with high desire and low conscientiousness remains in a perpetual quest for perfection.

What is the difference between perseverance and a person of feelings? Same as the difference between an ant and a grasshopper. What is the difference between passion (or drive or energy) and perseverance? Same as the difference between a hare and a tortoise. While I have brought an analogy with hare and tortoise I don't mean that perseverance is better and results in success more often than passion.

Additional reading:

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