Sunday, September 15, 2019

Why Do I Read A Newspaper?

What do I read a newspaper for?
To get news obviously. Sports, weather, politics, movies. But recently I decided to stop subscription to a newspaper. I subscribe to a few and it had been nagging me for sometime. Finally I wrote a mail and requested that the subscription be stopped.

I wondered what exactly I didn't get from that newspaper - a much acclaimed one.

I look at the numbers of articles I click and read. More the number, better I feel, considering of course how much I enjoy reading the article. 

That leads to the question: which articles grab my attention? Articles are of two types:

  • Who did what when where.
  • Observation of a trend or an analysis of a situation that gives a bird's eye view. I find that this kind of article is what grabs my attention. 

I then thought. Why is it that I don't make my own analysis from the first type - from the What When Where etc. These articles provide excellent fodder for analysis. For some reason I am unable to analyze these unless I have a pre-existing interest in the subject. 

When there is such an interest then even just plain data stimulates analysis. In the absence of such interest, I just see the article as data and find myself unable to process it. 

The NF (as in MBTI) I think it's capable of taking any kind of data for analysis - because of their interest in almost anything. 

Not bring NF, my interests are very narrow. So, either the article has to be an analysis or present data in a subject of my interest. 

Unfortunately the person who replied to my request to stop the subscription to the paper never asked me the reason. That remains unknown to the paper unless they come across this post and somehow link my cancellation request to this post!

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