Tuesday, March 24, 2020

No Wonder Women Are Underrepresented In STEM

I got this forwarded:
"*Msg from Sadhguru 👇. Let’s try to do for a day and then see the difference* 
*“Whatever we are talking about is what we are perpetuating in our experience. The only way to keep any kind of illness or virus or flu away is to not talk about it and it will dissipate itself. What we do instead is keep checking the statistics or keep spreading the "awareness" messages on social media without noticing it that the more we talk about it the more it becomes active in our vibration. History is full of evidence of epidemics because of the mass consciousness created by fear of the disease. Fear is a very strong vibration and more fearful we are of any epidemic it becomes a reality very fast.. it's the law. The more you feed the energy of fear the more profound it becomes. Ignore the things you don't want to participate in. Stop discussing it with family and friends; stop checking out the latest statistics. Stop watching incessantly the news about Corona Virus. Take your attention away and It has no power on you. The creation of anything is to give thought to it by keeping it active in our vibration by being afraid of it. Hook yourself up with  ever flowing stream of well- being”.*
*Love and light to all.*

I forwarded it to some friends.
The feelers were gaga. The thinkers just smiled.

And I was thinking of the Sadguru and compared his advice to that of Trump's. Both thought Coronavirus was not an issue. One said that if you didn't think about it, it's not an issue (wow, maybe the virus is touchy and might self immolate because we don't think of it). The other said that it was a hoax created by Democrats and fake news outlets - He, Trump, didn't buy it and hence it was not an issue and that America was safe because he wished it so.

See the thought process of feelers? For feelers our emotions determine the truth. So if we avoid thinking about it, the problem ceases to exist. 

Sadguru laga di science ki! No wonder emotional people are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). 

Thank God for it. Imagine if Newton said "Don't think about the Apple." Gravity would never have been discovered. 

Hip hip hurray to Sadguru who has found a quick solution for Coronavirus.

And let's convert Sadguru's message info a formula:
If we stop thinking about x (where x = rape, economy, MIL, marriage, job promotion, weather, water, electricity, internet speed, child porn etc), then x is not an issue.

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