I came across this: APNews being the trusted source of news for half the world.
My blog posts are a reflection of my thoughts, beliefs, stuff that I figured out. It's quite possible that there are articles by other authors that were perhaps written much earlier, some of which align with my thoughts and some that don't. Pls read the "About Me" para to understand more.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Whom Do We Trust
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Trump's Election Interference
I can think anything that may not be true. And I can say untruths because I have a right to freedom of speech.
Based on that thought and words of mine I can allege anything. And incite others with my words to take any action, even illegal ones.
If people claim what I said was wrong and that my actions of incitement to violence was wrong, I can claim that I acted on advice of my counsel.
I do not recognise the concept of right or wrong. A man's purpose is to win. Losing is not an option.
I am not accountable for any words or actions of mine. I will continue to fight until I get what I want.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Math Puzzle - Instagram Series
The question was shared on Instagram by the handle @maths.puzzles__. The puzzle states, "Only 2% of students solved this question. 5+3+2= 151022, 9+2+4= 183652, 8+6+3= 482466, 5+4+5= 202541 Then 7+2+5 =?"
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Guess The Direction Of The Train
Beautiful Thought and Beautiful Emotion
I was thinking of the difference between a beautiful emotion and a beautiful thought.
This is a Beautiful jathi someone choreographed. Look how it is.
Now this is an Excel sheet i choreographed.
A person strong in emotions can create beauty and elegance. A person strong in thought cannot.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Interesting Attachments -2
Additional reading
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Evaluating A Dance
- https://www.facebook.com/reel/569972608529840?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
- https://m.facebook.com/reel/884798165938044/
These are videos of classical dances. Both are youngsters, informally dressed.
And I watched each video twice: once with audio on and once without audio.
I think this is essential.
We should evaluate a singer without looking at what she is wearing, what she is emoting, how she looks etc. This is in stark contrast to the opinion espoused by the author here. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/apr/19/fashion-fabrics-and-fishtails-why-we-need-to-talk-about-what-female-classical-performers-wear#comment-155980075
In the same way while evaluating a dance as shown in the videos at the top, it is essential that the person be wearing ordinary dress and that we switch off the audio and experience the dance. So our response is only for the quality of the dance. And not distorted by a good audio or by good dress or good stage effects.
Look at these two dances with and without audio and see how they are.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Solving Wordle
The 2nd word choice is interesting. The last letter after N can be Y, K, D, T, O (RHYNO). So I chose DORKY.
- https://vbala99.blogspot.com/2022/12/my-personal-worldle-copy.html
- https://vbala99.blogspot.com/2023/01/wordle-and-dumb-charades.html
- Wordle starting word: https://www.makeuseof.com/best-wordle-starter-words/. TRAIN, CLOSE use all the top 10 letters. SALET is best according to MIT: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/14/this-is-the-best-wordle-starting-word-according-to-mit-researchers.html
- https://vbala99.blogspot.com/2022/03/tough-interesting-wordle.html
- NY Times wordle bot: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/17/upshot/wordle-wordlebot-new.html
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Adani - Dubious Or No?
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/01/28/gautam-adani-india-hindenburg-research-crash/
- Hindenburg's Nate Anderson and Gautam Adani's group of companies
- https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/the-man-behind-a-50-billion-selloff-11675016022102.html
- In London Times
- https://www.outlookindia.com/business/who-is-chang-chung-ling-the-chinese-link-featured-in-hindenburg-adani-crossfire--news-258079: Interesting
- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/20/india-adani-coal-mine-kete-hasdeo-arand-forest-displaced-villages?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other: Doesn't sound good
- https://www.outlookindia.com/business/adani-group-shares-crash-after-credit-suisse-assigns-zero-lending-value-to-its-bonds-report--news-258611: The rout continues
- How Gautam Adani Made (and Could Lose) a $147 Billion Fortune
- India Today: Adani Enterprises case reaches Supreme Court, plea seeks action against Hindenburg Research founder.: Oh my. I wonder if Supreme Court will favor Adani and whether a subsequent verdict by an international arbiter or court will overturn it. Pretty embarrassing for India should this happen. And if the original report written by the short seller had its facts accurate then the question that arises is: what were Indian stock regulators (say SEBI) doing and how did they miss catching the issue?
- https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/quant-mutual-fund-exits-adani-group-stocks-say-sources-11675418286737.html: Quant exits Adani stocks
- Live Law - Indian Legal News: Adani-Hindenburg Issue : PIL In Supreme Court Seeks To Declare 'Short Selling' As Offence Of Fraud, Probe ....
- Gautam Adani’s Rise Was Intertwined With India’s. Now It’s Unraveling.
- Moneycontrol: Aswath Damodaran dissects Adani crisis: What's the fair value of this 'competent' infra play?.
- Swarajya: Why The Adani Endgame May Not Be The Disaster His Enemies Wish For.
- What should you think about Aswath Damodaran’s view on Adani Enterprises?: Very nice
- https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/corporate/story/gautam-adanis-little-known-unlisted-company-a-hidden-gem-with-351-subsidiaries-369995-2023-02-13
- Related party transactions
Man Is Defined By Questions
I used to think that man is defined by what he has understood in life, by what answers he has arrived at to questions.
Today I realised something else. That man is defined more by the questions that drive him than by the answers he has arrived at.
The answers decide what he does transactionally. The questions he has decide what he ponders about and spends his quest on.
Does every man spend time thinking about questions other than whether his car will start in the morning and whether it's ok to add eggs in tomato fry? I don't know. This post is about those that do.
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