Thursday, October 28, 2010

On Men

I came across this strange article on men through a friend I felt wowowow when I read it. I am amazed. Is there really a woman out there who can understand so much about men?

The other day I was talking to a friend who, out of the blue, said to me that woman these days are taking advantage of men (I think she was referring to husbands) and making suckers out of them. And that they (the women) ask for expensive gifts, diamonds etc. And what really do the women contribute in return was her question. She was introspecting and thinking aloud.

Women believe that men have only one thought in their brain (you know what thought). I find it strange. I mean the tendency towards "men bashing", the tendency to use cliches, "most men are this/that" which I would say is quite untrue. I have come across more acts of selfishness, commitment phobia,  intense focus on the buttered side of the bread in women than they are given credit (should I say "debit") for. While all the time there is a sweet, gentle, angelic look on their face and they say "we want only love and affection, we don't care about money".

How many women have we come across who chooses a partner who has less education, and earns less than them? Or do women think that only the rich/  educated men are capable of showing love and affection?

How much of the family expenses, chores are handled by men? My friends quickly point out that men hardly do anything at home. I would agree with this statement. What share of the expenses is borne by women? How much of the expenses are for herself? Why do I rarely find women talking about this? What causes a person to live in an imaginary world with little acknowledgment of reality? 

Why is a man spending so much on his woman? Does he really deserve such a bad rating?

Like my friend asks in her blog "where are the real women?", I too have the same question. Where are those women who are committed? And who don't spend at the drop of a hat, who spend their time productively instead of frittering away their time. Where are they?

Of course when I say man/woman I refer to most and certainly not all. There would be quite some men/women who are different.

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