Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Predicting Relationship Success

I came across Myers - Briggs (MBTI) model recently. It is based on personality types:

While it answers some questions that have been on my mind, the model confuses me quiet a bit. I can't seem to differentiate easily between Sensing and intuition (maybe this, this and this one help). Similarly Sensing, Thinking and Judging seem to overlap.

Some basic definitions:
http://www.personalitypage.com/html/partners.html (Relationship concepts defined)
http://www.socionics.com/rel/rel.htm and http://www.socionics.com/articles/charts.htm (Different types of relationships explained)

The following table shows the mapping of quality of relationships between different personality types is based on the data from here:
ENTp Identicl Duality Activity Mirror Benefit Super Look Illusio Ego Contr Quasi Confl Benefit Super Compar S-Dual
ISFp Duality Identicl Mirror Activity Super Benefit Illusio Look Contr Ego Confl Quasi Super Benefit S-Dual Compar
ESFj Activity Mirror Identicl Duality Compar S-Dual Benefit Super Quasi Confl Ego Contr Look Illusio Benefit Super
INTj Mirror Activity Duality Identicl S-Dual Compar Super Benefit Confl Quasi Contr Ego Illusio Look Super Benefit
ENFj Benefit Super Compar S-Dual Identicl Duality Activity Mirror Benefit Super Look Illusio Ego Contr Quasi Confl
ISTj Super Benefit S-Dual Compar Duality Identicl Mirror Activity Super Benefit Illusio Look Contr Ego Confl Quasi
ESTp Look Illusio Benefit Super Activity Mirror Identicl Duality Compar S-Dual Benefit Super Quasi Confl Ego Contr
INFp Illusio Look Super Benefit Mirror Activity Duality Identicl S-Dual Compar Super Benefit Confl Quasi Contr Ego
ESFp Ego Contr Quasi Confl Benefit Super Compar S-Dual Identicl Duality Activity Mirror Benefit Super Look Illusio
INTp Contr Ego Confl Quasi Super Benefit S-Dual Compar Duality Identicl Mirror Activity Super Benefit Illusio Look
ENTj Quasi Confl Ego Contr Look Illusio Benefit Super Activity Mirror Identicl Duality Compar S-Dual Benefit Super
ISFj Confl Quasi Contr Ego Illusio Look Super Benefit Mirror Activity Duality Identicl S-Dual Compar Super Benefit
ESTj Benefit Super Look Illusio Ego Contr Quasi Confl Benefit Super Compar S-Dual Identicl Duality Activity Mirror
INFj Super Benefit Illusio Look Contr Ego Confl Quasi Super Benefit S-Dual Compar Duality Identicl Mirror Activity
ENFp Compar S-Dual Benefit Super Quasi Confl Ego Contr Look Illusio Benefit Super Activity Mirror Identicl Duality
ISTp S-Dual Compar Super Benefit Confl Quasi Contr Ego Illusio Look Super Benefit Mirror Activity Duality Identicl

For those interested to learn about other models of personlity types here are some links:

This link discusses Myers-Briggs and five factor personality models. This link and this link discuss the approach of understanding different models.

Additional reading:

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