Friday, February 13, 2015

Intelligence And Personality Disorder

People with BPD's (= Borderline Personality Disorder and NPD = Narcissistic PD) apparently have problems holding different (good, bad and ugly) views of another person and merging all of them into a single view by understanding that any person has all three aspects. Unfortunately, as per the article, people with such disorders see other things or people in black and white (all good or all bad).

Does this mean that BPD's and NPD's in some ways aren't intelligent?

Given below is a quote by John Galt in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
"To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one’s thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one’s mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality."

Does this mean that, as per FSF, John Galt and Ayn Rand aren't intelligent? Or as per the definition of BPD, NPD, that the heroes of Ayn Rand and she herself have a black and white thinking and hence may be having a personality disorder of the kind mentioned at the top?

F (=Feeling people as in MBTI) people rarely see contradiction or think it is a cause to get upset about. Only F persons can hold contradictory views at the same time comfortably. Because they don't think in terms of rules. A contradiction is not an issue for an F. A person with T will get upset with a contradiction (as Ayn Rand's quote above shows). 

Contradiction is a term in the language for T (T=Thinking only). The issue with Ayn Rand is that she thinks that T is the only thing right and everything else be dammed.

Well, I can say one thing. If FSF is not F, then I am a BTSA. A friend of mine says this thing about the ability to hold contradictory views is more to do with J and P than with T and F. Meaning, she replaced my T with J and and my F with P.

The difference between what my friend says and what I say is that one of us thinks its a T vs F issue while the other thinks it's actually a J vs P issue (replace T by J and F by P). I have always suspected that T and J usually go together - meaning there is a good bond between the two as there is between F and P.

T (or J as my friend says) focuses on understanding things exactly and being right and correct and and not tolerating anything else. F (or P) focuses on pleasant and appreciating grades of grey and accepts and probably expects contradictions which adds to the vibrant shades. 

As a result TJ's usually are unpleasant while FP's are usually very pleasant to be with. The TJ's are usually better students than the FP's earlier in life. It's surprising that the latter are much more ambitious than the former. FP's usually are pleasure seeking and extremely averse to pain while TJ's are pain seeking and duty oriented while being averse to pleasure - themselves as well as for others. TJ's reflect the behavior of Saturn while FP's that of Venus. A person with a strong Saturn and a strong Venus will exhibit both TJ and FP traits. 


I have come across exceptions. An uncle with strong Mars, Venus and Saturn has very few traits of Saturn except for being long lived. Same is the case with the mother of a friend of mine. Another friend who is largely a TJ was not a good student at school while her husband, an FP, was a good student.

Additional reading:

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