Friday, March 6, 2015


Understanding INTJ's (MBTI)

Posts on understanding: 

A quote on INTJ from "This (issues in interpersonal relationships) happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. :-) This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness."

This is one of the most accurate articles I have read about this personality: (parts 2, 3 also.)

Quotes from this:

"People who play mind games, engage in power play, act superior, vain, superficial, liars, cheaters, over smart people or plain a**holes turn them off easily and they avoid them at all costs."
"Even in adolescence they are regarded as "old souls" due to their austerity, seriousness and for being obsessive perfectionists."
"INTJ's seem to get respect and admiration without trying, wherever they go, even though they hardly interact. However other attention seekers might not like this and try to challenge them in some ways to challenge their superiority. The clever people see their innate fairness, consider this as their [INTJ's] weakness and they try to trap the INTJ's by playing mind games or verbal sparring. They try to belittle / defame / accuse them when they are perceived as threat. The INTJ's realize their true intentions quickly, loathes the petty and trivial interests of such people and acts accordingly. Depending on the situation, in such circumstances the INTJ might erupt into great rage and do shocking things in complete uncontrolled blind fury where they don't spare anybody nearby."
"An adult INTJ operates in two modes all the time - thinking or analyzing. He can be completely oblivious of his surroundings when he is in the "thinking mode". When he is in the "analysis mode" he is actively observing (Se) and noticing every small detail around him. Then this information is fed into his imagination."
"Others try to use an INTJ by carefully crafted lies and manipulation. Hence their acts of manipulation treachery, lying, cheating, betrayal disgusts an INTJ and makes them lose their faith in humanity. They may consider leaving everything and seek a reclusive life in some unknown corner of the world where nobody would bother them."
I am exceedingly surprised that the author has typed Ayn Rand as ISTJ considering that the heroes in Atlas Shrugged did exactly what is mentioned in the previous para and the author obviously identifies herself with the heroes. By no stretch of imagination can I think of Ayn Rand as ISTJ.

Why INTJ's are thought of as a**holes without sensitivity: - very nice.

A colorful set of do's and dont's while dealing with INTJ's are here. A few are listed below.

Do you really, truthfully want to know if those jeans make your ass look fat? Normal person’s response: “Um, no, you look fine. Really.” Honest person’s response: “Well… maybe a different belt would help?” INTJ’s response: “No, it’s not the jeans that make your ass look fat; it’s your fat ass that makes your ass look fat.”DON’T take 100 words to say what could have been said in 10. Content-free speech will cause an INTJ to zone out faster than repeating yourself.

A nice quote from

"Ni searches for depth, meaning and significance in the world. It can be thought of an elastic web of insights that is constantly being refined and expanded. The goal of the function is to filter out biases and refine perception to arrive at the “one truth”. Monism, the notion that there is one truth is at the core of Ni. For this reason, it may be mistaken for Ti, especially in INTJs and INFJs with under-developed Fe. However, Ti can be conceptualized like a solid grid of principles and rules that serve as a filter function to determine if the provided data is true/valid or false/invalid. The difference here lies in the fact that Ti works similar to a mathematical function, an input is given, Ti processes the logic and returns an output. Ni, on the other hand works similar to a fine tuning radio or a camera lens that is constantly readjusted to get the right data. When it is not active in the external world, it enriches the INFJs internal world with imagination, philosophical insight, fantasy, poetic ideas and a never-ending curiosity about why things are the way they are."
INTJ's are usually better described by Enneagram type 5. One might want to check that.

Additional (excellent, especially the first few links) reading:

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