Friday, March 6, 2015

Tests To Find Your MBTI Type

Tests to find your type (in order of how I was comfortable taking them, most first. Comfortable meaning the options make it easy for me to choose with less ambiguity/doubt):
How do you find out dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and inferior functions: 
The dominant and the inferior function will both be introverted or both extroverted depending on whether a person is IXYZ or EXYZ. The auxiliary and tertiary functions will both be the opposite (meaning extroverted for an I and introverted for an E).

T, F are the judging functions while N, S are the perceiving functions. 

         Extraverted function                           Dominant Function
If a person is J: Judging function Y        If a person is I: Introverted function
if a person is P: Perceiving function X    If a person is E: Extraverted function 

Example 1: INFP
  • Because of the P, the person will have the X (=N in this case) as the extraverted function.
  • Y (=F in this case) will be the introverted function. 
  • Thus the person has Ne and Fi as dominant and auxiliary functions.
  • The dominant function will be one of X or Y and will be that one which is introverted because the person is an I. Thus Fi is the dominant function(and its mirror opposite Te as the inferior function).
  • Ne will be the auxiliary function (and its mirror opposite Si as the tertiary function).

Example 2: ESTP
  • Because of the P, the person will have the X (=S in this case) as the extraverted function.
  • Y (=T in this case) will be the introverted function. 
  • Thus the person has Se and Ti as dominant and auxiliary functions.
  • The dominant function will be one of X or Y and will be that one which is extraverted because the person is an E. Thus Se is the dominant function(and its mirror opposite Ni as the inferior function).
  • Ti will be the auxiliary function (and its mirror opposite Fe as the tertiary function).

Example 3: ENFJ
  • Because of the J, the person will have the Y (=F in this case) as the extraverted function.
  • X (=N in this case) will be the introverted function. 
  • Thus the person has Fe and Ni as dominant and auxiliary functions.
  • The dominant function will be one of X or Y and will be that one which is extraverted because the person is an E. Thus Fe is the dominant function (and its mirror opposite Ti as the inferior function).
  • Ni will be the auxiliary function (and its mirror opposite Se as the tertiary function).

I have shown the details for each of the MBTI types here. The data is presented in a tabular format in Google spreadsheets and you can play around by filtering on various columns (not recommended for F's!)

If someone has Si (perceiving function) as the dominant function, what type is he? Because the dominant function has i, the person is introverted, X=S. So,The person is ISYZ, we need to find Y and Z. And Y is the extraverted function. If the person is J, the extraverted function will be the judging function (F/T) and the introverted function will be the perceiving function (N/S). Therefore he is a J. Hence the person is ISYJ, where Y, the judging function, can be T or F. Both ISTJ and ISFJ have Si as the dominant function.

Additional reading:

  1. To find your enneagram type:
  3. Sample test result

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