Enneagram seems to predict behavior so well that I want to explore it more. This post is about the correlation between Enneagram types and MBTI types.
As per the link above:
- Enneagram One corresponds to J types.
- Enneagram Two corresponds to SF types .
- Enneagram Three corresponds to ENFJ .
- Enneagram Four corresponds to INF types.
- Enneagram Five corresponds to INT, ISTP, male INFJs types.
- Enneagram Seven corresponds to EP types
- Enneagram Eight corresponds to ETJ types
- Enneagram Nine corresponds to IFP types
Quote from the above link:
Consider the following observations based on the above relationships:
- Types characterized by Introverts (4, 5, 6, 9) and Extraverts (2, 7, 8 )
- Intuitives (3, 4, 5) and Sensors (6)
- Thinkers (5, 8 ) and Feelers (2, 4, 9)
- Perceivers (3, 6, 7, 9) and Judgers (1, 8 )
http://www.9types.com/wwwboard/messages/6231.html: Quote from this article on correlations:
Below are the strongest correlations to Enneagram type by MBTI type in descending order. The numbers in parentheses indicate respective correlational strength--the strength of a particular correlation relative to the statistical average. E.g. INTP's, with a correlational strength of 3.99, are about 4 times as likely to be Fives as the statistical average would indicate.And the award goes to types:
- INTP: 5, 4 (3.99, 1.47)
- INFP: 4, 9 (2.36, 1.70)
- INTJ: 1, 5 (3.58, 2.19)
- INFJ: 4, 9 (1.92, 1.62)
- ISTP: 6, 5 (2.94, 2.92) - results suspect (only 20 scores where the average was 95)
- ISFP: 6, 9 (2.45, 2.13)
- ISTJ: 6, 1 (4.39, 3.57)
- ISFJ: 6, 9 (4.56, 1.86)
- ENTP: 7, 3 (3.63, 2.44)
- ENFP: 7, 2 (3.13, 2.18)
- ENTJ: 8, 3 (5.39, 3.66)
- ENFJ: 3, 2 (3.05, 2.88)
- ESTP: negligible (only 7 results; indicative of an SP trend of abstinence)
- ESFP: 2, 7 (2.94, 1.47)
- ESTJ: 8, 3 (7.34, 4.27)
- ESFJ: 2, 6 (2.57, 2.16)
most introverted: 5, 4 (others fairly far behind)
most extroverted: 7, 2 (ditto, more so for the 7)
most intuitive types: 5, 4 (7 not far behind)
most sensitive types: 6 (no other types were clear-cut S's)
most thinking types: 1, 8, 5 (rest are far behind)
most feeling types: 2, 7,9,4 (after 2 the rest were all distant seconds)
most judging types: 1, 8 (the 1 was wayyyyyy on the judging side)
most perceiving types: 7, 4, 5 (after the 7 things get close)
Quote from this article:
- MBTI types distribute in such a way that certain Jungian pairs can be taken as 'prototypical' of certain 'enneazones' - as summarized in the following chart:
Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One IF = (ISFP, INFP) ET = (ESTJ, INTJ) EN = (ENFP, ENTP) IS = (ISJF, ISTJ) IT = (ISTP, INTP) IN = (INFJ, INTJ) ES = (ESTP, ESFP) EF = (ESFJ, ENFJ) all J types
Diagram and table from the article (without permission):
Table 15: Enneagram Correlates with M-B
Based on the table above which type would be Hitler's and Vijay Salgaonkar's? (Read http://vbala99.blogspot.com/2016/01/what-was-hitlers-mbti-type.html). I wonder whether the descriptions in the last column in the table above match the types.
Enneagram type 4,5,7 have a strong preference for N as per the link. Enneagram 3,7,2,8 are more likely to be E while the rest are more likely to be I while 5 are very strong I.
Enneagram 2,4,9 are more likely to be F while 1,5,8 are more likely to be T. Enneagram 2,6,1,3 are more likely to be J while 7,4,9,5 are more likely to be P.
Other nice articles on this topic:
Nine ENNEAGRAM Types | Correlates of M-B to Enneagram in order | Leadership Characteristics |
1. Perfectionist/ Reformer | ISTJ, ENFJ, ENTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ESTJ, ESTP, ENTP | Rational, idealistic type. Conscientious, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Advocates and teachers, they are agents for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Moral and ethical, critical and perfectionist. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious.Aristotle, Ralph Nader, Hillary Clinton, Confucius, Queen Elizabeth II, Wilhelm Leibnitz, Jerry Seinfeld, Martha Stewart, Barbra Streisand |
2. Giver/ Helper | ESFJ, ENFJ, ESFP, ENFP, ISFP, ISTP, ISFJ | Caring, nurturing type. Empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. People-oriented, friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and intrusive. Possessive of others, doing things in order to be needed, they have hidden agendas and ulterior motives. Proud and self-deceptive, they can feel unappreciated and victimized, becoming manipulative and controlling.Examples: Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Bill Cosby |
3. Performer/ Motivator/ Achiever | ESTP, ENTP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, ENTJ | Adaptable, success-oriented type. Self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious and energetic, but can also be too competitive and driven. Image-conscious and overly concerned about what others think of them. Pragmatic chameleons, calculating, saying and doing whatever "works" for the. Seeking attention and admiration, they can be arrogant and opportunistic.Examples: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brooke Shields, Jay Leno, Britney Spears, Katie Couric, Suzanne Sommers |
4. Romantic/ Artist | INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ISFP, ENFP, ESFP | Intuitive, reserved type. Self-aware, sensitive, introspective, and gentle. Individualistic, expressive, and personal, but can also be too moody and self-conscious. They dwell in their fantasies, feeling different, melancholy, and exempt from ordinary ways of living. Become impractical, self-indulgent, and self-pitying; problems with self-inhibition.Examples: Calista Flockhart, Wynona Ryder, |
5. Observer/ Thinker | INTP, ISTP, INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ | Perceptive, cerebral type. Alert, insightful, and curious. Able to concentrate and understand complex ideas. Independent, innovative, and inventive, but can also be too preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. Awkward and isolated, they lack interpersonal skills, and can be cynical and eccentric.Examples: William Rhenquist, Stephen Hawking, Francis Crick, Helen Keller, Wittgenstein, Arthur C. Clarke |
6. Loyalist/ Skeptic | ISFJ, ESFJ, INFP, ENFP, ISTJ, INTP | Committed, security-oriented type. Endearing and likable, forming strong bonds with others. Reliable, responsible, and trustworthy, but can also be too partisan and suspicious of others, creating 'in' and 'out' groups. Defensive, contradictory, evasive, and anxious: they run on stress while complaining about it. Cautious and indecisive, but also defiant and rebellious, talking 'tough' and scapegoating others.Examples: Al Gore, Mel Gibson, Harry Truman, Woody Allen |
7. Epicure/ Generalist/ Enthusiast | ESTP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP, ISTP, ENFJ | Enthusiastic, productive type. Extroverted, optimistic, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, practical, and accomplished, but can also be overextended, superficial, and undisciplined. Acquisitive, seeking constant stimulation, they distract themselves by staying on the go. Uninhibited, excessive, and self-centered. Can be infantile, demanding, and insensitive to others.Examples: Richard Feynmann, Conan O'Brien (Late show host), Warren Buffet |
8. Protector/ Boss/ Leader | ENTJ, ESTJ, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ISTJ | Powerful, aggressive type. Self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking and decisive, but can also be proud and domineering. Feel they must control their environment, becoming confrontational and intimidating: everything is a contest of wills and they seldom back down. Can become hard-hearted and openly belligerent.Examples: Joseph Stalin, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, King Henry VIII, Muhammad Ali, Julius Caesar, Vladimir Putin, Zhu Rongji, Karl Marx |
9. Mediator/ Peace maker | ISFP, INFP, ISFJ, ESTP, ISTP | Easygoing, accommodating type. Accepting, trusting, and stable. Good-natured, optimistic, straightforward, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. Want things to be smooth and easy: tend to be complacent, to simplify problems and to minimize anything upsetting. Creatures of habit, they can be passive and unwilling to change. Stubborn, inattentive, and neglectful.Examples: Bill Clinton |
Based on the table above which type would be Hitler's and Vijay Salgaonkar's? (Read http://vbala99.blogspot.com/2016/01/what-was-hitlers-mbti-type.html). I wonder whether the descriptions in the last column in the table above match the types.
MBTI Temperament % for each Enneagram type graph is very interesting. It shows that SP's are highest for Enneagram types 7,8,9. SJ's are highest for Enneagram types 1,2,6,3 (then 5,4). NF is high for Enneagram 4,9,7. NT's are highest in 5,8,7.
Enneagram type 4,5,7 have a strong preference for N as per the link. Enneagram 3,7,2,8 are more likely to be E while the rest are more likely to be I while 5 are very strong I.
Enneagram 2,4,9 are more likely to be F while 1,5,8 are more likely to be T. Enneagram 2,6,1,3 are more likely to be J while 7,4,9,5 are more likely to be P.
Other nice articles on this topic:
- http://www.personalityhacker.com/understanding-the-enneagram/: nice article sent by a friend
- http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2016/01/mbti-and-the-enneagram-2/7/ and http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2016/01/mbti-and-the-enneagram-2/6/
- http://pstypes.blogspot.in/2009/07/myers-briggs-and-enneagram-type.html
- http://www.socionics.com/articles/ctc.html
- http://enneagram-spirituality.blogspot.in/p/enneagram-and-meyers-briggs-type.html
- http://www.9types.com/wwwboard/messages/6231.html: Very nice
- http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2016/01/mbti-and-the-enneagram-2/6/ - INTJ's
- Why some types withdraw when you start to get close: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2017/01/heres-why-they-pulled-away-when-you-were-starting-to-get-close-based-on-their-myers-briggs-personality-type/
- What every type does on a vacation: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/06/what-each-myers-briggs-type-does-on-vacation/
- Why we need each type: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2016/01/why-the-world-needs-each-myers-briggs-personality-type/
- Heaven for each type: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/10/the-definition-of-heaven-for-each-myers-briggs-personality-type/
- Hell for each type: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/05/the-definition-of-hell-for-each-myers-briggs-personality-type/
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