Thursday, May 11, 2017

Understanding Humans And Animals

I had earlier written about the differences between man and animals. Here is another post on why human being experience so much pain.

There are some posts I have read, especially in thehumanevolutionblog, which are fascinating. 

A friend sent me this interesting post on ants:

He said that with the paucity of smaller animals to feed on as the forests are depleting, there was enough force to trigger an evolution. I felt that lack of food could also end up perishing a species. That raised an interesting question. When does a species perish and when does it evolve and survive? He raised one more question: If Apes evolved into humans, why are Apes still existing?

Human beings's fear of spiders and snakes is not learnt:

A tree map showing how humans have evolved is lovely here. The image itself is here.

What are animals thinking and feelings: (lovely video on talk by Carl Safina):

Are males (in humans) better than females in logic and maths? An interesting debate:

Even the earliest humans were largely right handed:

Did Neanderthals have gender roles?:

Bonobos and sex:

Charming personalities of Barbary Macaques: Quote from there: "The next stage of my analysis uses the framework of the social-niche hypothesis to study the relationship between personality and sociality. This hypothesis predicts that individuals should assort themselves based on personality. Evidence for this has recently been demonstrated in great tits, with more shy individuals tending to associate more frequently and form stable social relationships with other shy individuals."

Quite a bit of learning happens socially (in animals also) meaning they learn from others:

Apparently some species of snakes hunt in packs:

Sexual behavior of peahens:

Marmosets develop regional dialects: 

Do not disturb gesture in Mandrills:

Sheep recognize human faces (picture of Obama):\

Birds use cigarette  butts to drive parasites away:

Crows are intelligent:

Apes are misunderstood:

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