Sunday, August 6, 2017

Love Is A Strong Indicator Of Being Single

This made me think of other such things I have come across. Let me see if I can't make a list.

The earliest incident in my life was when I was reading Kamba Ramayana as part of school syllabus. And the chapter was one where Rama and Sita first met each other. He looked at Her. She too looked at him. 
She was 12. He was 16, the same age I was when I read the Ramayana chapter and I remember wondering how come two kids were falling in love and whether Rama didn't have any mundane stuff like a Physics exam. The whole night apparently Rama Karvate Badalte Rahe (kept tossing and turning) because he was worried that His love interest might turn out to be married. He then told Himself that the girl (Sita), whom He had come to love, could not be married. Meaning that He could never have fallen in love with a married woman and hence She must be single. And of course, in this example, Sita turned out to be single. 

Ain't that nice. 
  • If I lusted after someone I must be in love with that someone. 
  • If I loved someone she must be single.
  • If I raped someone ergo I was just expressing my violent love. 
  • If I robbed or murdered you there must have been a good reason. 
  • If I hated you you must have molested me.
In all these if I did something that was not kosher, I start with the assumption that I am good and what I did must be kosher and hence I just need to tweak the interpretation of what I did by providing a good justification.

When you look at the list above you might tend to think the person who uttered them was indeed a little strange or abnormal. But in real life you don't see such behavior as an anecdote in a blog post. People say these things seriously interspersed with their emotions. It is very difficult to isolate the chaff then.

A learning from this:
The end justifies the means. If the means are tangible and if they seem to be not OK one can get away by referring to a lofty goal even if such goal is intangible and cannot be proved. 

Not bad. Wow.

I have come across many instances of this rule being applied.

Empathetic people look into the why while understanding what happened. And when we link the why with the what we tend to explain away the what. Hence a corollary is that the words of empathetic people may not always be completely true. Read this:

Additional reading:
  2. Lust, not love, is what one feels at first sight: The Times of India: Myth busted: It’s lust at first sight, not love.

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