Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Triple Talaq (TT)

I read this article from Mint: Indian women are paving the way for social reforms.

Muththalaq (as it is called in Tamil) or triple talaq - is very anti woman.  There are two ways of addressing it. The first is how other Muslim countries and now India have done it. Abolish TT.   There is another way. I am surprised no one has thought of it. 

What if women were also empowered to divorce their spouses through the TT route. What will happen then? 

How often will women use TT?  
Imagine a man comes home from work and asks his wife what there is for dinner. He finds another man in the house.  The wife says TT, tells him to get out of the house, hands over the kids to him and locks the door (from the inside). Lets not get into why she did this.. She may have been sick and tired of her husband and wanted a change. 

What does the man do now?  Run to his maika? File a sec 498 against his wife and in laws? 

It's difficult to imagine a man with kids and no house and wife.  I refer you to the role the elder of the Nassar twins played in the Tamil movie Jeans (Aishwarya Rai was the lead). After his wife dies, he leaves home with his new born twins.

Which court of law can such a man appeal to? Can he ask for alimony? We assume the wife didn't file a case against the husband for Maintenance of the house. 

Now let's assume things are a little different. She retains the kids and kicks the husband out after uttering TT. WHAT THEN?  The husband has lost the kids and the house. Maybe if he has a job... 

Assume the wife utters TT and takes the kids and leaves the house and the husband.  The man retains a house but loses the kids. 

Awful for the man huh? But then this (or its mirror image or some variation) is how it was for women when men uttered TT and got rid of their wives unceremoniously. It is no different in the case of Anitha ( who thought that if she got good marks in the Board exam she would get a medical seat. Unfortunately life presented an unexpected twist and things turned out differently for her and for countless outlet Tamil Nadu state board students.

A sudden nasty shock such as TT is difficult to bear. 

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