Monday, January 13, 2020

Chilar Chirippaar, Chilar Azhuvaar

"Chilar chirippaar, chilar azhuvaar
Naan chiriththu konde azhukindren"

[[Some cry, some laugh, i am crying while laughing]]

This is a song from an old Tamil movie Paava Mannippu.

I have never been keen on lyrics of songs while for plenty of others lyrics is integral to the enjoyment of songs.

Today a friend sent me this:

I read this and was wonder struck. I was watching the reactions of some of my friends to the picture above.
They appreciated it. I felt nothing, same as i do when I process the lyrics above or listening to the lyrics at the top I think "yeah ok, I heard you". But these don't resonate with me. There is no emotional orgasm that other people seem to have. My thought is: Is it leading somewhere? Is there something else that's relevant? Is there something I can learn from this? When do people cry while laughing (Jokers are supposed to do that). For me these statements by themselves don't mean anything. They are, to me, just like  "Sky is blue". 

An emotional statement is just that. You ought to empathize with it and live it, not dissect it and analyze it. 

I thought how strange it is that the same thing (event or lyrics or picture) affects some people so deeply while others hardly get affected. 

I am reminded of psychopaths who commit serious crimes like rape, murder or torture without feeling any remorse. 

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