Thursday, January 9, 2020

Emotional Expression Is Sexy

A friend of mine, who is a tireless worker with high energy, has a problem with her foot nowadays. She currently howls in pain when in private. 

Yesterday her boss asked her to take up some official work during the forthcoming Pongal holidays. My friend declined because she had made prior plans and was going out of town. The boss, another lady, was irritated and asked my friend why my friend had not informed her, the boss, of travel plans during the holidays. My friend was nonplussed. Was my friend required to inform her boss in advance of her personal plans during holidays? Did the company she worked for have primary lien on her time during holidays?

My friend told her boss that even if she wasn't going out of town, she couldn't have helped the boss out because of her recent severe foot problem. The boss explained that my friend had better get used to working with problems because everyone else in the company, including the boss, was already working with several problems in their lives.

Now comes the interesting analysis.
My friend puts in more work and helps out co-workers more than any other employee in that company. It's just that in this case she is in such pain that she cannot do any more work. Her pain tolerance is very high and she rarely complains. She works at office and at home where they have no maid, cook and no other support (in laws for example).

With the above background in mind which even her boss knew, we come to understand how the boss thinks.

Any work done without pain doesn't count. Since my friend never expressed any pain, her contribution didn't count for much. Other employees' contribution counted to the extent of pain expressed by those employees.

This is the realm of a feeler. Tangible contribution is subservient to pain expressed. Meaning you get more rewards for doing x work with pain than doing 2x work with no pain. 

Ain't that rich? Welcome to the world of women (like my friend's boss).

Additional reading

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