Wednesday, June 3, 2020

It's Character, Stupid

A friend of mine has a very cute 2 year old son. She would tell me gleefully a little too often that the boy has taken after her. 

Recently I got to know her schedule and how she spends most of her time at her mom's place and very little time at her own (in-laws') place with her husband. Further discreet inquiries revealed that her husband is a normal sort of guy - meaning he would rarely be found at her mom's place.

With this information, I went on the attack. I asked her point blank who the father of her child was since she rarely stays with her husband.

She said it was her husband of course. I countered by saying that she hardly spent anytime with her husband. So how could he...

She then played her ace and told me that her son bore a strong resemblance to her husband.

Well I had to accept that. As males we hardly understand resemblance the way females do. So I had to concede that point to my friend. I was feeling sick. 

Then I trumped her ace. She had always been saying that her son was cute just like SHE was cute. So, I told her, if the boy actually resembled his father, which my friend conceded to me in order to escape from the question of doubtful paternity, then where is the proof that SHE is cute?

She conceded defeat. She would much rather have good character than good looks.

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