Friday, July 9, 2021

Trump's Character - My Take

Barring few people most have a drive to succeed or what I call "survive" the way animals do. Animals have a no holds barred (no rules, anything goes) survival mechanism. Actually animals do follow rules. But for the sake of putting my thoughts together i call the "no holds barred" behaviour "survival Instinct".

Incidentally humans do have conscience and morality though the degree varies from person to person. You have a king Harishchandra and you have a Trump.

Trump is a person who has little conscience, his behavior is largely defined by survival Instinct. Born to a wealthy father he learnt that survival at any cost was the way in life. He has lived that way in every aspect of his life. Including finally claiming that he won the election by a huge margin. It's difficult to think of any depravity that he won't indulge in.

It's this behavior of his that alternately fascinates me and disgusts me.

Here is an article that shows his character.

Here is another article around Jun 17 or 18, 2022. Hence, Mike Pence: Quote from it: "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify,” Trump tweeted. “USA demands the truth!” 

Here is the interesting thing about Trump. He believed firmly that he won the election. And hence any data that indicated otherwise was fraudulent or inaccurate. This is a core trait of Trump. What he felt was the truth. 


From the above article. This is one major difference between US and UK. The question of intention. Trump gets away with every crime because American system requires that it be proved beyond reasonable doubt that he had the intention. A second issue with the American way is their predilection in thinking that if something were done in broad daylight there cannot be a nefarious intention. Trump does everything visibly and gets away

I get a thought. We often say that the enemy of our enemy is our friend. This paradigm is what makes him win. People hate something and Trump also claims to hate those things. And hence people see him as the enemy of an enemy and stand by him  

Shown below is Trump's response to questions about his involvement in Jan 6th events. 

And my comments about this: 

Of course the wolf's rendition of the encounter with red riding hood was a cartoon. And meant as a joke

Trump's recollection of Jan 6th and blaming tech companies for the issue.. is no different from the wolf's recollection. Except that in the case of Trump, he (his spokesman) is very serious.

Idiotic things said in jest are funny. When they are said in seriousness it's ugly.

Trump is a narcissist. He can comfortably arrogate to himself non existent qualities. He can lie through his teeth and expect people to accept it even if they didn't think it was true. He creates an alternative version of reality that he believes in. 

For example, His assets would be inflated if he needed money (for example while borrowing from a bank) and shown to be substantially low if he had to pay money (while filing his taxes).

There was no such thing as truth in his mind. His claims are usually preposterous.

Additional reading:

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