Thursday, July 29, 2021

Truth, Nothing But The Truth

Some people think of truth as binary. Either what a person x said did happen or didn't happen. Meaning of the event were recorded, the event would either prove x right. Or not.

But then there is another interpretation of truth. What I call the feminine or emotional interpretation.

If my emotions tell me something and if I say it aloud then I have been truthful from my point of view of EVEN IF A RECORDING OF THE EVENT MAY CONTRADICT WHAT I SAID.

That is amazing. An emotional person describes truth as something being in sync with their emotions. 

And what emotions tell us may not be corroborated by a recording. 

We are aware of a game children play. A child whispers to something to another child, who in turn whispers what he heard from the first child to another child and so on. Finally, what we hear from the last child is quite different from what the first child said. Why is this so? Is it not the same reason? That the emotions in children tamper with the truth. And the child interprets what he heard based on what his emotions tell him. 

Both kind of truths, the ones that are verifiable and those that aren't go under the same umbrella of "truth". 

Just like the word love means two entirely different things.


So when someone promises to tell the truth and they genuinely believe they are telling the truth, what they say may not be true - to the extent that their emotions have played with the reality.

The more emotional one is, the more adulterated the truth is, more grey their statements are.

If you ask a person "did you do it?":

  • A less emotional person will reply Yes or No.
  • A more emotional person will start with an explanation leading ultimately to whether they did it or not. The explanation is a reflection of their emotional state.

Pop Quiz:

Is Donald Trump largely emotional or not?

Rich, no?

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