Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Soon Their Marriage Unraveled, Emotional Expression

 They Poured Their Savings Into Homes That Were Never Built

This is an article about how thousands of Chinese made down payments for their houses but they never got possession of their apartments. 

This post isn't about real estate issues in China. It's about communication, Sophisticated communication. Read the last line in the blocked text in the image above which is taken from the same NY Times article mentioned at the top. 

"Even their marriage unraveled" - I fail to see how that's relevant to the real estate issue being discussed. Bringing very poignant things not directly germane to the main issue seems kosher when we are emotional. And when we want to create a bigger impact on our audience. 

Some of us wouldn't know that this is allowed and wouldn't know how to bring up marriage problems in an article on real estate issues. But those that do know have an edge over those who don't!

Can a husband tell his wife "the breakfast yesterday was burnt and my presentation to the customer yesterday went bust"?
I am not sure. 

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