Friday, June 23, 2017

Splitting A Blog Into Two Bloglets

Couple of days back I felt that I had to split my blog into 2 bloglets. I planned this for about 10 minutes and then got going. I decided that blog posts of a certain kind (or topic) would remain in the original blog (blog A) and the rest would go to blog B.

It wasn't as simple as that. There were some posts which weren't easy to decide as to whether they fit in blog A or B but then since the only person who would make the call was me it was simple.

A little bit into what caused me to split my blog - I felt that some of my posts were largely providing information - for example about laptops or mobiles or best places to eat or the railways booking policy or about an interesting book or blog I read recently etc. In such posts the value add I did was minimal to zero. I just provided the links. I moved all such posts to blog B. They were and are useful for me to refer to. 

Blog A (current blog) retained all the posts where I wrote my content and where external references were not much. There are some posts in this blog (A) where there are plenty of quotes and each of those quotes would make me think. Quotes that made and still make me think while writing or after writing ended up in A. And that's the way I want things to be. About 70% of all posts were moved to blog B.

Maybe in future i may go for one more round of disinvestment or pruning. 

Now as to how I moved the 70% posts - I did not now that I would end up moving 70% of the posts. At the end of the exercise it turned out to be so many: 
  1. I took a backup of the blog and restored the same into blog B. So now blogs A and B were identical. While restoring I did not choose the "automatically publish on import" option. So for the general public the content was only available in blog A.
  2. I chose blog B as my reference blog. Those posts that I knew would definitely be in A (by filtering on certain label values), I deleted from B. Similarly those posts that I knew would definitely be in B, I selected using labels in blog A and deleted them from A.
  3. For the rest of the posts, working in blog B I went through each post and decided whether it would remain in blog B (in which case I deleted in blog A) and if not I deleted in blog B. Occasionally I deleted the post from both blogs when I thought I did not want that post at all. To make my job easier, I had opened two browser windows with blog A in the 1st and blog B in the 2nd window. So I could switch tabs and work fast.
  4. Finally there was the issues of URL references - meaning some of my posts would refer to other posts of mine. Both posts were originally in A. After this splitting exercise when the referred post, which could be in blog A or B, was in blog B then the 404 error would come. So I had to change the references in referring posts to blog B from blog A. 
    1. Initially I used a free online broken link checker which listed a whole bunch of broken links, some of my own posts and some external. But these were too many. 
    2. I then searched within each blog separately for "blogA" (assuming that my blog address was That gave me a bunch of posts in each blog. Some of those references would be Ok where the post was not migrated to blog B. Others would not be OK and the references would have to be changed. 
    3. I would open each of the posts that came up from the search and then search inside the post for blog A and click on the hyperlink. If it opened successfully then fine, else I would search for that post in blog B and find the new URL and replace. Often it would be just easier to replace the blogA with blogB in the URL and then click the link to see if it worked. If not, of course go to blog B and find the correct address. Occasionally the referred post wasn't there in either blog A or B. God knows where it went. In such cases, there were 4 or 5 such posts, I just removed the reference.
    4. This would still leave external references which may not work and also some of my own posts where the actual text in the hyperlink was not the URL but something more sensible. In such cases, seach for blogA would not show up. I would have to run a broken link checker to identify the remaining issues.
  5. Having gone through this exercise I would have preferred it if Blogger gave an option to identify posts from blog A and also the option to move the selected posts to blog B 
    1. while also deleting the exported posts from blog A and
    2. changing the URL references in both blogs to the exported posts. Maybe such an option exists and I was not aware of it.
Anyway, version 1 of the bloglets A and B are now live. It took me about 30 man-hours (over 3 days) to do the complete exercise. The size of the exported blog was about 10MB. It is rather surprising that the export files of blogs A and B after the exercise are both about 5MB despite the fact that blog B has 3 times more posts than A (remember posts in A:B = 25%:75%).

Blog B is named Calmisc.

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