Monday, December 30, 2019

Ashkenazi Jews And Sensitivity

The purpose of analysis and research is to come out with formulas that can be applied with accuracy elsewhere too. So long as the formulas pertain to things like relativity or gravity there seems to be no problem. The moment we mention a formula that pertains to people (whether Ashkenazi Jews or Women or Indians or blondes...) we seem to face a problem. We are told that we are racist, judgmental. Instances like the ex Dean of Harvard or the Google employee, (both of whom mentioned that women were generally not as fit as men for STEM discipline and both of whom had to leave their institutions) come to mind. Instead of looking at whether the data and conclusion are accurate we tend to look at whether the conclusion affects the sensitivities of people. The same thing happened with Darwin. His conclusion affected the sensibilities of religious people. 

Sensitivity to sentiments seems to come in the way of science and analysis.

If research has to be constantly mindful of how its conclusions may affect the sentiments of certain sections of the population we may as well start taking long strides forward to the 10th century.

Can emotions be conducive to understanding truth (formulas)?

Additional reading

  1. The Jews and American Progress : Unbelievable! Letters to the editor re: the original article.

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