Sunday, January 16, 2011

Date Rape

A girl in the city of Pune was apparently raped by her boyfriend. She tried to convince him to get married, he refused so she filed a complained with the police.

Now what is a rape? It is a forced sexual act committed by a person(s) on another without the other party's consent. Do we agree on this definition?

Then how is it that this woman tried to convince the "offender" to marry her? Was she crazy to want to marry someone who raped her? If this was not a case of consensual sex, why did the girl not scream bloody murder before or during the act? Why should she get really upset AFTER the act?

No. I think this was a case of consensual sex with some strings attached or a promise of some kind (perhaps money and / or marriage) made by the guy. And maybe the guy, after having sex, refused to pay / do what he said he would. So the girl got really upset and lodged a complaint of rape.

Now, if this is what that happened: Does this remotely qualify as rape? Or is it more a civil offense? If you paid someone $100 or $100,000 to someone with the understanding that he will pay you back and then he didn't, would you file a case of RAPE?

Another such incident: Assuming this incident really happened, this was an issue of trading favors again, not rape.

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