Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Voice And Chevvai Dosham (Curse Of The Mars)

Many people have often commented on my voice. That it's very sweet like Lata's or Vani Jayaram's. But I have always wanted a deep heavy male voice like Vidya Balan's or Bipasha's or Rani Mukherjee's. I have spent many a moment wishing I had a deep gruff manly voice like they do.

I am reminded of a friend of mine who, at the time she was engaged to be married, attended a telephone call from her fiance's place. She started speaking to her fiance. After a few minutes she realized (from what was said at the other end) that she was speaking not to her fiance but with his mom. Such is the voice of certain women I have (had the misfortune to) come across.

But its not just the mother in law of this friend. Just about every woman in her family has a voice and a demeanor that would make a man s*** in his pants. The women in her family remind me of the adage "Men are from Venus and women are from Mars". Not one woman in her family is capable of being sweet. A sweet docile nature is shared by all the men (and only men) in her family.

I did ask her once a rather delicate question. I whispered to her: When her children were born, was it she or her husband who was pregnant. She didn't answer me. But to this day, I have my own doubts.

Another friend of mine has a mother whose voice could demolish a thousand buildings. If you hadn't seen her but only heard her voice, you could be pardoned for thinking that the person was Amitabh Bachchan or Sylvester Stallone. But my friend herself has one of the sweetest voices I have ever come across. Her child is precociously intelligent. She explained this to me. In her family "maternity" was always in doubt, no child ever resembled the mother.

Coming back to voice, it's my belief after going through many horoscopes that women with a strong Mars in their horoscope have a gruff voice. When in South India we say that a girl has "Chevvai Dosham" or that a girl is Manglik in North India we mean that the woman has a strong Mars in her horoscope and it's double torture for a man to listen to her speak.

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