Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Emotions 102

I had earlier written a 101 post (https://vbala99.blogspot.com/2018/10/emotions-101.html) with mostly reading material and some quotes from those.
Recently, I came across a nice link: http://yourbrainhealth.com.au/brain-process-emotions/
What follows is my understanding from the link - it took some time for me to process the information in the article.

The Limbic system in the brain consists of Hippocampus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala (and other structures):
  • Brain receives sensory information through chemicals such as serotonin, dopomine, acting as neuro transmitters and thus recognizes objects and situations.
  • The Hypothalamus:
  • Controls the hormones that adjust or create our mood. 
  • Manages our biological processes, sweating, pulse rate etc, "in line with our mood".
  • Amygdala "assigns an emotional value to the situation" based on previous steps. Meaning the emotions are a result of both sensory information and our physiological changes (does this agree with 2 Factor theory?)
  • The hippocampus then indicates "which courses of action are congruent with our mood and makes split-second risk/reward assessments" = S1 (For an intro into S1, S2 read https://vbala99.blogspot.com/2017/10/thinking-fast-and-slow-daniel-kahnemann.html). I assume the hippocampus also triggers the S2 as and when required.
There are newer networks that control our mood. Apparently Limpic system is an older network evolutionarily. Some scientists, as per wiki, believe that the concept of limpic system is obsolete and is out of sync with the current understanding of the brain.
The autographic network deals with memories and reflection. The cognitive control network  (CCN) controls coordination of activities, thoughts etc to get a task completed. Either the autographic network (AN) or the CCN is in the foreground at any instance. I would say AN is related to S1 and CCN to S2. 

Apparently issues in AN, CCN create mood related disorders.

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