Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Kashmir 370

J&K is a surprise here in India.

Of course Modi is capable of giving shocks as he has done in the past. As to whether the shocks resulted in a positive outcome, well that's debatable.

Coming to the Kashmir issue, it's likely to provoke religious sentiments in Muslims both sides of the border. 

And Muslims, like Catholics, wear their religion on their sleeves. Their religion comes first, ahead of nationality, ethics, morality etc. As a gentleman once pointed out, too much religion is correlated with a lower IQ and lower wealth / character. 
To prove the latter, he showed the example of countries in the south and east of europe vis-a-vis those in the NW. 

When we come to religion vs Character, about 90% of the death row inmates of prisons are religious as against 10% atheists / agnostics. 

Having thus provided an overview of the nature of extremely religious people (obviously doesn't apply to each person in the sample but generally applies to the population) and noting that the Kashmir issue is largely one that will kindle religious sentiments of the Muslims. I am glad that we already have 
1.  A China US Trade war,  
2. the long term debt yield is less than than short term yield (as I understand this points out to an imminent recession) - read Business Insider India: The market's favorite recession indicator just flashed its starkest warning since 2007.  
3. Do/Die Brexit expected in 2 months. 

We have enough bad news already that the religious wrath arising out of Kashmir would hopefully be so much piss in a thunderstorm or so I hope. With Imran Khan already passing his hat out to IMF for alms and with one leg in FATF's list, Pakistani outburst is likely to remain just a rhetoric. (https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/509414-from-indian-action-to-imf-s-caution-us-reaction-situationer)

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