Sunday, January 28, 2018

Men's Salary And Women's Sentences

I was talking to a friend when I was reminded of an article I read recently (not exactly this but something similar about women being given lighter sentences than men by judges because women also have other responsibilities at home, such as child care, which mostly men don't. The author, a woman herself, was talking about the system in UK. She felt it wasn't right that women should be given lighter sentences for the same crime. And I thought how true.

And then I thought of all the brouhaha about men getting higher salary than women for the same job that a woman does. And that there should be equality
Did anyone think about the extra money that men have to spend - in gifts, alimony or generally shoulder a higher expense than women.

And whether I ever dealt with (thought about) that issue the same way as the UK legal issue with respect to gender.
Just as I never empathized with women's lighter sentences, I had never thought men should be given higher salary than women for the same job.  

That's (absence of) F you see. We can imagine a woman or a group crusading for women campaigning  for lesser sentences for women for the reason mentioned. Would we ever see anyone champion a men's group for higher men's wages? Men might use other reasons (legitimate?) for handing themselves higher salary in comparison to women. They will be surreptitious about it and won't let on that they ate doing it. They may feel entitled to it but still shamefaced about it. Like cheating on tax. But to come out in the open and say that they deserved higher pay because of gender related reasons. - that will be the day when we see men doing it. 

As in most other blog posts I am generalising about  the entities involved,  in this case,  men and women - not necessarily applicable to every individual man and woman. 

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